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Ann Baker的《Ship or Sheep》是一本面向中级学生的综合性英语语音资源。通过一系列有趣的活动和练习,为英语的语调、重音和发音提供系统的练习。这个资源是伴随着整个实用材料的三盒磁带记录(Baker, 2006)。有录音和书的设计,供学生在课堂上或独自工作时使用。然而,该资源并没有意识到由于音位技巧差和音位意识差而给汉语翻译带来的困难。这就缺少了直接、清晰的教学体系的重点。这一过程具有重要的重复要求(Baker, 2006)。


在这本书的资源中,中国学习者将通过重复和听句子来区分一个音素和另一个音素,并高度集中在特定的音素上,如“这是镇上最干净的房子”或“我在房子里发现了一只老鼠”(Baker, 2006)。与以结构为基础的语法的目的类似,这本书资源的活动特别强调练习而不是交流,同时把发音看作是习惯的组合来产生声音(Hancock, 2012)。这是一个很大的缺点,因为汉语在建立新的发音习惯和克服母语设置的偏误方面面临着巨大的困难或失败。如果没有一致性和重复,这几乎是不可能的。这就降低了汉语元音流利程度的范围。


“Ship or Sheep” by Ann Baker is a comprehensive pronunciation resource of English for intermediate students. It focuses on providing a systematic practice for intonation, stress and pronunciation of English by a number of different interesting activities and exercises. This resource is in accompany with three cassette record of the entire practical material (Baker, 2006). There is designing of the recordings and the book for utilization by students in class or work alone. However, the resource does not realize the difficulties faced by Chinese ELLs due to poor phonologic skills and poor phonemic awareness. This lacks the priority of directly and clearly teaching the sound system. The process holds a crucial requirement of significant repetition (Baker, 2006).


In this book resource, Chinese learners will be distinguishing a phoneme with the other by repeating and hearing out sentences by being highly concentrated on specific phonemes like “This is the cleanest house in town” or “I found a mouse inside the house” (Baker, 2006). Similar with the purpose to structure based grammar, the activities of this book resource laid specific emphasis upon practice instead of communication while seeing pronunciation as a combination of habits to produce sounds (Hancock, 2012). This is a major drawback because Chinese ELLs face either massive difficulty or failure in establishing new habits of pronunciation and overcoming the biasness set by their native language. This is practically impossible without the presence of consistency and repetition. This reduces the scope of fluency attained by Chinese ELLs in English vowels.

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