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在现代,一些生态学者认为女性是解决这些问题的最佳选择(Gaard, Estok和Oppermann, 2013, p. 13)。Ecofeminism被发现有前途的方法,日益增长的环境安全问题(Schmidtz,2002年,p . 7)。研究人员认为,女性与自然共享一个亲密的债券和任何负面影响自然也会造成不良社会影响的女性(Schmidtz,2002年,p . 7)。当响应这些事件,重要的是要解决的方法有效率(Schmidtz,2002)。女性主义运动对生态女性主义的处理具有重要影响。研究人员认为,马克思主义女权主义、自由女权主义、社会主义女权主义和文化女权主义是对社会产生重大影响的女权主义运动的一部分(Merchant, 2005,第186页)。事实证明,这些女权主义政策对发展对环境的整体办法有重大影响。各种形式的女权运动都对社会产生了积极的影响(Merchant, 2005,第187页)。有必要对这一因素进行深入研究,并了解女性中心解决方案是否确实像高等人(Gaard et al., 2013)的研究讨论中所看到的那样,对于解决这些问题是理想的(Gaard et al., 2013)。


分析解决这些性别中立问题的固有的性别偏见可以使世界走向可持续性。这是本研究的立场,分析也将在本研究中进行。这是一个非常广阔的视角。没有进行真正的研究来了解这个问题的细节。为解决这一问题,已发起了几次可能的行动。这种运动在世界上许多地方偶尔爆发。在肯尼亚,有绿化带运动,在印度有奇普科运动,在瑞典有一个运动,妇女们用除草剂喷洒植物来制作果酱,在加拿大,妇女团体停止了在她们城镇附近的铀加工(Merchant, 2005,第183页)。这些运动发生在世界各地,但它们缺乏成为全球模式所需的结构。缺乏结构是一个问题,缺乏有组织的运动和更好的行动计划导致这些运动失去潜力。这些运动将被用于本研究,以了解生态女性主义在社会中造成的真正影响。在美国,妇女们站出来清理社区内的危险废物,她们自愿清理。需要有一个综合的方法来解决不断上升的污染(Merchant, 2005, p.183)。如果没有一个综合的方法,这项运动的好处就不会广泛传播。(《商人》,2005,第185页)这是因为人们缺乏意识。


In the modern times, several ecofeminists suggest that women are the best option to address these issues (Gaard, Estok and Oppermann, 2013, p. 13). Ecofeminism was found to be promising approach to the growing environmental security issues (Schmidtz, 2002, p. 7). Researchers argued that women and nature share an intimate bond and any negative impact to the nature will affect the women in the society negatively as well (Schmidtz, 2002, p. 7). When responding to these events, it is important to address the ways of being productive (Schmidtz, 2002). Feminist movement has an important impact for this tackling of the ecofeminism and in this context. Researchers argue that Marxist feminist, liberal feminism, socialist feminism and cultural feminism are some of the feminist movements that caused major impact on the societies (Merchant, 2005, p. 186). It was proven that there is a major impact of these feminist policies towards developing of a holistic approach towards the environment. Each form of feminist movement has caused a positive impact to the society (Merchant, 2005, p. 187). There is a significant need to probe into this factor and understand if women centric solutions are indeed ideal for solving these issues as seen in the research discussions of (Gaard et al., 2013).


Analysing the inherent gender bias addressing these issues of gender neutrality could take the world in the directions of sustainability. This is the stand taken in this research and analysis for the same will be done in this research. This is a very broad perspective. No real research was done to understand the specifics of the issue. Several potential movements were initiated to resolve this issue. These kinds of movements sporadically erupted in many parts of the world. In Kenya, there was the green belt movement, in India there was the Chipko movement, in Sweden there was a movement where the women prepared jam from herbicide sprayed plants, in Canada the women groups stopped the uranium processing near their towns (Merchant, 2005, p. 183). These movements have occurred in different parts of the world and yet they lacked the needed structure to become a global pattern. There is an issue in lack of structure and this lack of a structured movement and a better action plan led to these movements losing their potential. These movements would be used in this research to understand the real impact that the ecofeminism causes in the society. In the United States the women step up to clean the hazardous waste inside their communities and they volunteer to clean up. There needs to be an integrated approach to resolve the rising pollution (Merchant, 2005, p.183). Without an integrated approach, the benefits of the movement are not widespread. (Merchant, 2005, p. 185) this is because of the lack of awareness of the people.

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