

澳洲论文代写 论文通

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这是一个建立在议会民主基础上的共和国,总统们在议会中享有相当大的权力(Agenor et al., 2010)。既有行政权,也有立法权。这个国家的政治力量分为中左翼和中右翼联盟。这些政党之间的活力是不断的,但仍然存在与国家的政治局势稳定(Clemens et al., 2016)。然而,政治自由在这个国家并不存在,这可能会给懒汉们带来混乱,而且公民成员也没有太多的自由。所采用的立法方法是两院制的。


墨西哥的政治环境发生了重大变化。与智利相比,智利的政治自由度更高,因为指标显示该国在7项指标中得分为3。该国的公民自由也达到了7分之3,这比智利的情况要好得多(Demirguc-Kunt, 2014)。这个国家是以国会为基础的民主国家,总统直接选举产生。政府现在把重点放在宏观经济目标上,而不是增加就业和投资。财政方法的管理已经产生了促进经济增长的效果,并使国家摆脱了衰退的任何影响。


4. 商业环境


智利的纺织服装行业在开发纤维、产品开发响应能力和严格的运输期限要求方面具有各种竞争优势(Gallagher, 2014)。该行业包括纺织及成衣两个界别分组。纺织品包括由动物饲料、人造纤维、混纺或人造纤维及植物纤维等原料制成的梭织物和纱线。另一个细分行业是服装。这包括不同的制造部门,包括内衣,户外服装,休闲服,甚至正式服装,所有这些都是通过织物和编织技术制成的衣服和面料(Hogenboom, 2010)。工业商业环境的竞争优势在于,该国在全国范围内都有其单独的纤维。这工人技术高超。有快速适应市场趋势和经济变化的能力,有售后服务的效率、质量和反应能力。所有产品均通过ISO-9001认证。这里涉及的主要产品包括动物纤维、混纺纤维、人造纤维、人造纤维、平纹编织、针织和服装,通过袜子和内衣(如底裤和内衣)技术制作服装。



This is a republic based over democracy of parliament where Presidents are engaged in enjoying power of considerable nature (Agenor et al., 2010). There exists executive as well as legislative power. The political forces in the nation are categorized into coalitions of center left and center right. These parties are in constant dynamic energies with each other but still there exists political situation stability with the country (Clemens et al., 2016). The political freedom however is not present in the nation and this can create chaos for Lazybones and also there does not exist much of liberty to the civil members. The legislative approach utilized is bicameral in nature.

3.2 Mexico

There have been significant changes in the political environment of Mexico. In comparison to Chile, there is better political freedom as the indicators depict scoring of 3 out of 7 for the country. The civil liberties within the nation are also at 3 out of 7 which is much better than the status of Chile (Demirguc-Kunt, 2014). The country is a congress based democracy with the President being elected directly. The government now has a focus over goals of macro-economic nature over increasing employment as well as investment. The management of fiscal approach is present which has resulted in promoting growth economically and has led the nation to move out of any effect of recession.


4. Business Environment

4.1 Chile

The textile and garment industry of Chile boasts various range of competitive benefits with regard to development of fibre, product development responsiveness and requirements of shipping under strict deadlines (Gallagher, 2014). There are 2 sub-sectors encompassed within the industry inclusive of textiles and garments. Textiles are inclusive of woven and yarn made from fibres that are obtained from raw materials such as animal fodder, material made by man, blended or artificial fibre and vegetable fibre as well. The other sub-sector is garments. This is inclusive of various manufacturing departments comprising of under-wears, outer-wears, casual wears and even formal wears that are all made through fabrics and clothes made from woven and knitted techniques (Hogenboom, 2010). The competitive benefit in the industrial business environment is the fact that the country has availability of its individual fibres of textile across the nation. The labour is skilled highly. There is an ability of quickly adapting to the trends in the market and to the changes within the economy, and there is after-sales service efficiency, quality and response apprehension. Furthermore all the products are certified under the certification of ISO-9001. The leading products involved here are inclusive of fibres for animals, blends, man-made fibres, artificial fibres, plain weaving, knitting and garments, making garments through the technique of hosiery and under-garments such as foundation wear and lingerie.

There are however several challenges in the business environment that Lazy bones will face. These are inclusive of the need to speak Spanish, the issues of taxation involved and the presence of a social security field.

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