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因此可以观察到,在使用直接营销方法时,存在着从创造公正的意识到创造可测量性的重大转变。因此,当台湾羽毛球拍市场从大规模的AIDA行销方式向更具体的直接行销方式转变时,我们观察到直接行销在台湾羽毛球拍市场的正面机会。AIDA方法只是提高知名度和创造品牌参与(Rawal, 2013;Kelly等,2003)。直接营销增加了可测量性。现在的问题是,其他宏观环境和行业具体问题是否支持这一点。为此,以访谈问卷的形式收集的原始数据将在下一个基于SWOT的讨论中进行讨论。






It can hence be observed that a significant transition exists from creating just awareness to creating measurability when direct marketing approaches are used. Hence, positive opportunities are observed for applying direct marketing among Taiwan’s Badminton Rackets Markets when moving from a mass marketing AIDA approach to more specific direct marketing. The AIDA approach simply improves awareness and creates brand engagement (Rawal, 2013; Kelly et al., 2003). Direct marketing increases measurability. Now the issue in context is whether other macroenvironmental and industry specific issues will support this. For this, the primary data collected in the form of interview questionnaire is discussed in the next SWOT based discussions.

In the context of applicability of direct marketing for the Taiwanese Badminton Rackets market, one of the first considerations is whether direct marketing or direct mail advertising can be differentiated well from genera marketing. Even if we successfully collect enough customers’ information, we don’t have the resource or ability to build the system like business intelligence to automatically analyse and promote for us because it cost a lot. Once again, the company JNICE appears to have put some thought into understanding whether direct marketing can be useful for them and they seem to have been constrained in such an opportunity by lack of access to tools and technology.

In theory, yet another significant benefit mentioned for direct marketing is how it helps in promotion of products in the case of brands that are still infantile and are in their growth phase. Now if JNICE were to adopt direct marketing, it would then see many benefits as the company would indeed be able to support better details and promote them to its customers. This is because direct marketing relies on the current offer. The form of communication and the way to make the consumer buy a product is based on the current offer. Hence, direct marketing as a practice is not directly dependent on the brand strength that most established brands rely on. Hence, lesser known brands and newer brands will be able to make use of this technique.

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