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“品牌社区”是一个“专业的、不受地域限制的社区,建立在一个品牌的崇拜者之间的一套结构化的社会关系的基础上。”这个词是由McAlexander J. H.创造的。,斯库登,w。2002年,该模型基于triad customer-customer-brand,如图2所示。

图2。品牌社区以客户为中心的模式(来源:Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013, p. 77)

研究结果表明,基于社交媒体的品牌社区可以对品牌产生积极的影响。人们可能会考虑到,社交媒体并不适用于公司运营的所有品牌环境。在某些情况下,企业使用社交媒体可能是有风险的,因为在当前的商业环境下,客户变得比以前更加开明。基于调查的实证研究对441名受访者进行了调查。研究中使用的模型表明,社交媒体通过建立品牌社区,对客户和公司、客户和产品以及客户关系都有积极的影响。这些公司和利益相关者之间的信任关系有助于建立对品牌的信任,从而产生品牌忠诚度(Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013)。


社交媒体带来的优势正使企业进入生态系统。例如,Airbnb在申请租房前使用LinkedIn、Face book和谷歌+进行身份验证。此外,客户关系管理公司如基于云计算的Salesforce.com推出了社交媒体工作室,用户可以在各种社交平台上创建、发布、监控和分析广告活动。这些公司发现了社交媒体广告工具的力量和吸引力(Thita Tun, 2015)。




‘Brand community’ is a “specialized, non-geographically bound community, based on a structured set of social relations among admirers of a brand.” The term was coined by McAlexander, J. H., Schouten, W. J., & Koening, F. H. In 2002, this model was based on a triad customer—customer-brand, as depicted in Fig.2.

Fig.2. Customer centric model of brand community (Source: (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013, p. 77)

It is shown by the findings that positive effects can be produced on the brands through the brand communities based on social media. A consideration may arise that social media is not ideal in all the environments for brands in which the companies operate. The use of social media by companies might prove to be risky in some cases as customers are becoming more enlightened than earlier times in present business environment. The empirical study that was survey based was conducted on 441 respondents. The models were used in the study with which was shown that social media has positive effects on customers and companies, customers and products and relationships of the customers through the establishment of the brand communities. These trusted relationships between the companies and the stakeholders help in the creation of trusting on the brands that result in brand loyalty (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013).

Social Media integrating in Companies’ Ecosystems

The advantages brought by social media are making companies into ecosystems. For example, Airbnb uses LinkedIn, Face book and Google+ are for ID verification before applying for a room rental. Also, customer relationship management companies like Cloud-based Salesforce.com launched the Social Media Studio, which enables users to create, publish, monitor and analyze advertising campaigns over various social platforms. These companies identify the power and appeal of social media advertising tools (Thita Tun, 2015).

Successful companies on Social Media

The successful companies, mainly Fortune 500 companies are making their presence on social media. The increasing adoption of Twitter and blogs by these companies shows the growing value of social media. These Fortune 500 companies are responsible for the world economy and their attempts to create transparency through social media. It is a welcome step by the consumers as well as the stakeholders.

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