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现代企业十分重视人员管理,以获得竞争优势。员工的表现和态度反映在他们的工作过程中,因此公司需要有效的人员管理。个人管理者应该能够领导、训练、激励和灌输员工健康的竞争意识。经理们还负责招聘、纪律和解雇过程。为了保持一个高效的工作场所,组织中存在着积极和消极方面的结合(Collins and Clark, 2003)。管理者在保证员工工作效率的过程中,存在着复杂的启发式问题。他们应该能够开发一个范例,在这个范例中,公司能够实现目标,并且拥有健康的团队活力。经理们面临的问题是确保合适的人被聘用,与人打交道以发挥他们的最佳潜能。除了这种全球化,经理还需要处理人际沟通、价值体系和道德要求。每个管理部门都提出了一种处理人员的独特策略,但一些基本方面保持不变。为了详细分析这一点,我们考虑了谷歌的案例研究。


谷歌公司是一家科技公司。他们需要不断推出新的创新,在技术上创造新的模式,以在竞争激烈的市场中维持下去。在过去的五年里,公司最近将重心转移到发展和授权员工以获得最大的生产力上。朱莉娅•罗佐夫斯基(Julia Rozovsky)是一名MBA学生,她所在的团队为企业提供真实世界的解决方案。亚里士多德项目是谷歌为了确保有竞争优势而启动的项目。在分析的基础上,发现亚里士多德项目的一些团队非常成功,而另一些团队则没有那么成功。茱莉亚和她的团队正试图解读成功的因素。我们发现A组的操作更加正式。讨论议程只有一个重点。这个团队的人是团队中最聪明的。团队B是一种更随意的团队结构,对包括工作在内的不同主题进行随机讨论。马特是亚里士多德计划中一个团队的经理。在之前的团队中,他觉得经理很吓人,人们无法表达自己的意见。他相信,他目前的团队符合这种意识形态,他们之间的联系显然更加紧密。


Companies in the modern era, give a lot of emphasis to people management to gain competitive advantage. The performance and attitude of the employees are reflected in their work process and hence there is a need for an effective people management by the companies. The individual managers should be able to lead, train, motivate and instil a healthy competition in the minds of the employee. The managers are also responsible for the hiring, disciplining and firing process. There is a combination of positive and negative aspects in the organization to maintain a productive workplace (Collins and Clark, 2003). There is a complex heuristic in the process for the managers to ensure the productivity of the employee. They should be able to develop a paradigm where the company is able to meet the objectives and also have healthy team dynamics. The issues that the managers face are to ensure that the right person is hired for the job, dealing with the people to bring out their best potential. Apart from this globalization, interpersonal communication, value systems and ethical mandates need to be addressed by the manager. Each management comes up with a unique policy to handle people but some of the fundamental aspects remain the same. To analyse this in detail, the case study of Google has been considered.


Google Company is a technology company. They need to continually churn out newer innovations and create newer paradigms in technology to sustain in the competitive markets. The company in the past five years had recently shifted focus on developing and empowering the employees to gain maximum productivity. Julia Rozovsky is a MBA student who is a part of a group that provides real world solutions for companies. Project Aristotle is the project that has been embarked by Google to ensure that there is competitive advantage. Based on the analysis, it was found that some teams that belonged to the Project Aristotle were extremely successful while some were not as successful. Julia and team were trying to decipher the successful factors. It was found that Team A is a more formalized in its operations. There is a single focus of discussing about the agenda. The people in this team are the smartest of the groups. Team B is a more casual team structure with random discussions about different topics including work. Matt was managers of one of the teams in Project Aristotle. In the previous teams, he had felt that the manager was intimidating and that people were not able to voice their opinion. He was confident that his current team was in line with the ideology and that they were obviously more connected.

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