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有一种普遍的看法是,工人阶级家庭的孩子最后总是从事收入较低的工作。富裕家庭的孩子被发现找到了白领工作。Willis(1977)认为,儿童处于这样的社会条件下,他们寻找属于同一阶层的人,不需要积极地拓展自己的视野。他们不寻求社会流动,更喜欢呆在自己的社会经济群体中。这种偏好的原因是基于一组复杂的内部和外部问题。社会中的每一个成员都是属于社会阶层的。基于这些社会分化,社会中存在着不同的意识形态。在一些社会里,人们重视经济利益。另一方面,一些社会重视宗教意识形态。人们的宗教地位和信仰在社会上受到重视。社会流动是个体、家庭和家庭在社会阶梯和分层之间的流动(Erickson, 1987)。社会上的某些人具有工作能力,能够超越自己的社会阶级和地位。他们提升了自己的社会地位。社会流动是指个体或群体的纵向流动。他们被发现在社会经济水平上下移动。人们试图通过选择工作或结婚来实现这一模式。威利斯对这种社会流动及其复杂性进行了详细的研究。他遵循马克思主义哲学所提出的理想。本文认为威利斯(1977)提出的社会流动理论仍然适用于当代社会。


There is a common opinion that children who belong to the working-class families invariably end in lower income jobs. The children born in affluence are found to gain white collar jobs. Willis (1977) argued that the children are socially condition such that they seek a belonging to the same class and need not actively work on expanding their horizons. They do not seek social mobility and prefer to stay in their own socio economic group. The reasons for this preference are based on a complex set of issues that are both internal and external. Every member in the society is found to belong to the social class. There are different ideologies in societies based on these social divisions. The people value economic gain in some societies. On the other hand, some societies value religious ideologies. The people are given priority based on their religious status and beliefs in the society. Social Mobility is a movement of individuals, families and households between the social ladder and stratification (Erickson, 1987). Certain people in the society possess the ability to work and rise above their social class and positioning. They move up their social positioning. The social mobility refers to the vertical mobility of the individuals or groups. They are found to move up and down the socio-economic level. The people try to achieve this paradigm by choosing jobs or entering in the marriage. This social mobility and its intricacies are studied in detail by Willis. He follows the ideals proposed in the Marxist philosophy. The essay argues that the social mobility argued by Willis (1977) still held relevance in contemporary societies.

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