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库存包括三个重要元素——原材料、在制品和成品。通常,由于供需力量的不可预测的变化,库存暴露于不必要的持有。库存直接影响物流、产品清单和客户类型。对于定期经营的企业,当存货成本降低,收益较高时,可以采用定期订货的存货模型。品牌竞争力也在生产方面(Kasim et al., 2015)。

库存模式是影响交货时间、需求模式和命中频率的另一个因素。像乐高这样进入零售领域的公司,必须持续管理大量库存。这就需要建立一个稳定的库存规范模式,以避免任何缺货(Vergin, 1998)。质量控制是库存系统的一个完整部分,它详细地研究库存、期限和产品检验。这将有助于积极地修复仓库环境。


Lego is a group of companies based out of Denmark and specialized in the manufacturing of plastic construction toys. An important aspect of an efficient supply chain management is inventory management. Multiple tier inventory system is one way by which smaller customers are addressed from various distribution centers. This policy has added overheads instead of inventory optimization. An effective inventory management system involves continuous review to assess the achievement of set level and reorder other products.


Inventory comprises of three important elements – raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. Often, inventories are exposed to unnecessary holding due to unpredictable changes in the supply and demand forces. Inventory has a direct influence on the logistics, list of products and type of customers. For businesses that run on regular basis, regular ordering of inventory model is applicable where the cost of inventory keeping is reduced and the revenue is high. Brand competitiveness is also on the productive side (Kasim et al., 2015).

The stocking pattern is yet another factor that influences the lead time, demand pattern and also hit frequency. Companies like Lego that are into retail segments should necessarily manage large inventories on an ongoing basis. This calls for a sturdy pattern of inventory norms that should be set to avoid any stock outs (Vergin, 1998). The quality control is an integrated part of the inventory system and this deals with study of stocks, terms and product examinations in detail. This will help in fixing the warehouse environment on the positive side.

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