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忠诚度经济学也有助于获得或保留高利润的新客户。基于同样的原则,航空公司收集个人数据,并根据这些数据创建个人的忠诚度计划。根据卧龙岗大学(2011)的研究,是的,绝大多数无空气在过去的二十年中采用了类似的策略。航空公司从频繁预订,高利润率产品或服务的销售,更多的客户推荐,低服务成本等方面获益。对于消费者来说,它有助于获得诸如主要服务,更多设施,首次服务,额外折扣等多种优惠(PWC,2015)。根据普华永道公司的研究,只有通过具有高价值忠诚度计划的高价值型材才能获得60%的利润。超过55%的高收入人士接受了忠诚度计划,平均年交易量相对于年销售额为5%的边际资产为8.0倍,年收入为2.0倍。这表明更多的定制或个性化选项往往会增加航空公司机票价格,因此忠诚客户一年支付机票总销售额的60%(PWC,2015)。这一证据表明,对个性化的需求增加了,因此个性化的价格也增加了。根据甲骨文的研究,超过81%的消费者愿意为更好的客户体验或个性化服务付费。航空公司正在应用同样的规则来根据消费者的个人资料定制机票价格。该航空公司将提供更多的腿部空间,免费食品,免费饮料,更好的座椅,一流的服务,并为忠诚或高端消费者提供更多服务(Redwood Shores,CA&Reading,2012)。


The airline industry is highly changing industry over time. With coming innovations in technology, the airline industry is getting smarter and hence their price is dynamic. The price changes according to time, date, and kind of airlines. In economics, there is supply and demand theory, according to this if the demand is higher, supply is less than, it is likely to increase the price (Mankiw, and Taylor, 2011). Same in case of airlines, the price increases during the last booking, or if you want to customize the prices according to the customer need. The airline also checks which route the passenger is trying to book, if the route is quite busy or more frequent traffic, the price increases. In economics, there is another theory called ‘Customer Loyalty’ (PWC, 2015). The loyal customer helps consumer’s businesses to get more benefits in terms of increase in purchase of high margin products or services

The loyalty economics also helps in acquiring or retaining highly profitable new customers. Based on the same principles, the airlines companies collect personal data and based on that create loyalty programs as per individual person. According to research by University of Wollongong (2011), Yes, most of the airless have adopted similar strategy for past 2 decades. The airlines get benefit in terms of frequent booking, selling of high margin products or services, more customer referrals, low cost to serve and more. For consumers, it helps in getting various benefits like prime services, more facilities, first service, extra discounts and more (PWC, 2015). According to research done by PWC, 60% profit was generated by airlines only through high value profiles with high value loyalty programs. More than 55% of high people accepted loyalty programs and their average annual transaction was 8.0 times in relative to the marginal profile who contributed 5% to the annual sales with 2.0 times in a year. This indicates that more customized or personalized options tend to increase the price for ticket for airlines, and hence the loyal customer pays the 60% of the total sales of the airline tickets in a year (PWC, 2015). This evidence indicates that demand for personalization has increased and hence the price for personalization also increased. According to research done by Oracle, more than 81% of consumers are ready to pay for better customer experience or personalized services. The same rule is being applied by airlines to customize the ticket price according to the profile of the consumers. The airline will give more leg space, free food, free drinks, better chairs, first service, and more services can be offered to loyal or premium consumers (Redwood Shores, CA & Reading, 2012).


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