

澳洲论文代写 论文通

澳洲论文通 ASSIGNMENT PASS - 论文代写以独特的澳洲论文代写.澳洲essay代写和assignment代写专业服务理念,尝试创新的代写形式赢得了澳洲留学生的口碑.我们代写团队对于代写论文采取多样化的手段.做到了代写论文的原创性和对论文抄袭的杜绝.





Plato presents a situation where Socrates questions the slave boy Meno whether he knew the length of the side of a square with twice the area of the square? Through this Socrates wanted to put that boy in a situation where he thinks of himself as being ignorant even after knowing the correct answer. Though it was a problem of geometry, Meno was able to solve it by recollecting and putting together the experiences and practical knowledge which he already had. During this conversation, Meno solved the problem and proved that he had a sound knowledge of mathematics but never realized it. Socrates further mentions that Knowledge is nothing but the recollection of facts. Thus it is quite clear that everything that we consider as knowledge is not knowledge. Socrates further mentions that one can be confident in knowing something only when he is able to explain the reason for that knowledge. The incident which happened with Meno clearly shows that though Meno did not know the answer when Socrates asked him the question but he solved the problem step by step thus implying that he was justifying the knowledge that he had. Hence knowledge is always considered to be of higher degree than true opinion.

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