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瑞士風格也是衆所周知的國際排版風格。這個名字可能用詞不當,因爲“瑞士風格”並不意味着它只在瑞士創造。這種風格起源於20世紀20年代的俄羅斯、荷蘭和德國(Hollis, 2006)。瑞士風格的名稱歸屬,實際上是因爲它在瑞士成爲著名的風格,雖然它是許多元素的融合。雖然以前在瑞士使用,但這種風格只在這裏被認爲是一個非常有影響力的實體。這種風格在日常生活中的潛力在這裏得到了實現,從而開啓了這種風格的潮流。瑞士風格影響了藝術、建築和文化,並在20世紀50年代成爲一種“國際”風格(White, 2011)。它是由世界各地的藝術家製作的。然而,人們仍然稱它爲瑞士風格,因爲它的起源點。


在蘇黎世商學院,負責瑞士風格發展的是恩斯特•凱勒(Ernst Keller)。1918年,恩斯特·凱勒成爲蘇黎世學院的教授。他負責蘇黎世應用藝術學院平面設計和排版課程的開發。起源於20世紀40年代初和50年代,瑞士風格基本上是由學校的著名設計師領導的平面設計的發展。最初的設計開發由蘇黎世工藝美術學院的Josef Muller Brockmann和巴塞爾藝術學院的Armin Hofmann領導。在最初的階段,設計更注重簡單易讀。這兩所學校致力於使用無襯線印刷、網格和非對稱佈局等元素。這些排版元素和網格仍然是瑞士風格的一些核心基礎。印刷術和攝影被用作視覺交流的手段。最主要的有影響力的作品被髮展成海報,海報被認爲是最有效的溝通方式,從一個到許多形式的公共廣播。視覺攝影元素似乎比通常的文字表現更有吸引力。


Chapter 2: Origin and History of the Development of Swiss Style

Swiss style is also well known as an International typography style. The name could be a misnomer as the ‘Swiss style’ does not imply it was created in Switzerland only. It was a style that had its origins in Russia, the Netherlands and Germany as well, in the 1920’s (Hollis, 2006). The name attribution of the Swiss style is actually because the style became famous in Switzerland, although it was an amalgamation of many elements. Although used previously it was in Switzerland that the style came to be considered as a very influential entity only here. The potential of the style for everyday use came to be realized here, hence starting the trend in the styles. The Swiss style influenced art, architecture and culture, and became an “international” style through the 1950’s (White, 2011). It was produced by artists all around the world. However, people still refer to it as the Swiss Style because of its point of origin.

When discussing the origin of the Swiss style, there are two design schools that need to be mentioned. There are two design schools in Switzerland which are responsible for the early years of International Typographic Style. They are Basel School of Design and Zurich School of the Applied Arts. The Basel School of Design uses the graphic design technique based on the grid-work. The foundational course in the University came to be changed as a result of this initiative. The foundational course was in existence since the 1908’s. Each of these schools had representative individuals who once again played a big role in the design and the design effects.

In the case of the Zurich school the person who was responsible for the Swiss style development was Ernst Keller. In 1918, Ernst Keller became a professor at the Zurich school. He was responsible for the development of the graphic design and typography course at Zurich School of the Applied Arts. Originated in the early 1940s and the 50s, the Swiss style is basically a development in graphic design led by famous designers of the schools. The initial design developments were led by Josef Muller Brockmann from the Zurich school of Arts and Crafts and Armin Hofmann the Basel School. In the initial stages, the design was more focused on being simple and legible. The two schools contributed to the use of elements such as sans-serif typography, grids and asymmetrical layouts. These typographic elements and grids still continue to be some of the core basics of the Swiss styles. Typography and photography was used as a means of visual communication. The primary influential works were developed as posters, which were seen to be the most effective means of communication from one to many in the form of a public broadcast. The visual photographic elements seemed to have more of an appeal than the usual textual presentations.

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