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功利主义可以被定义为道德理论的一部分,用来区分对与错。我们关注的是结果。它被认为是结果主义的一部分(Beauchamp,Bowie & Arnold,2004)。功利主义理论从根本上说,伦理选择被定义为为大量的人提供最大利益的选择。这是一个道德准则或框架,用来解释道德推理。它说明了有形和无形的成本和收益。例如,如果一家公司因其商业行为受到审查,而该公司的首席执行官决定辞职以拯救利益相关者的利益,它将被视为一种功利主义行为(Beauchamp,Bowie,& Arnold,2004)。在另一个商业环境中,如果公司决定缩减规模,解雇员工,为更多的股东和投资者节省资金,那么只有少数人会认为这是一个可以接受的道德行为。因此,功利主义是基于推理的方法。它有它的局限性(Beauchamp,Bowie & Arnold,2004)。观察到一些限制因素是存在的,这不能应用于所有的行动案例中。


Utilitarianism can be defined as a part of the ethical theory that is used to differentiate between right and wrong. There is focus on the outcomes. It is considered to be a part of the consequentialism (Beauchamp, Bowie & Arnold, 2004). Utilitarianism theory fundamentally states that the ethical choice is defined as the choice that would provide the greatest benefit for a large number of people. This is a moral guidelines or framework that is used to explain about moral reasoning. It accounts for the tangible and intangible costs and benefits. For example, if a company is facing scrutiny for its business practices and the CEO of the company decides to resign to save the stakeholder interests it would be considered as a utilitarian act (Beauchamp, Bowie, & Arnold, 2004). On the other in the business environment, if the company decides to downsize and fire employees to save money for the larger number of stockholders and investors then only few would consider this as an acceptable ethical action. Hence, utilitarianism is based on the reasoning approach. It has its limitations (Beauchamp, Bowie & Arnold, 2004). It is observed that a number of limiting factors is present and this cannot be applied in all the cases of action.

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