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塞内加的愤怒被分为两部分,第一部分讨论了愤怒,第二部分给出了补救措施。根据Cooper和Procope(1995)的说法,情绪的斯多葛理论认为任何情绪都可能充满痛苦或欲望。这两种元素都可能存在于一种情绪中。斯多葛学派把愤怒定义为欲望。在同意这一哲学理论的同时,塞内加认为愤怒可以被认为是一种“燃烧的欲望”。当一个人处于愤怒的时候,他想要惩罚另一个人,因为他们受到不公正的伤害。塞内加提出的关于愤怒的主要概念是知道愤怒是如何减轻的。De Botton(2001)指出,如果一个人关注的是什么是错误的,什么是必须被治愈的,并且有诚实的愿望去治愈,这样的人可以克服他们的愤怒。德波顿(2001)进一步指出,塞内加必须通过他的建议来说服听众,让他们知道愤怒是如何被控制的,然后才会告诉观众,人类的情绪是可怕的有害的。


De Ira is addressed to Novatus, who is Seneca’s elder brother. Seneca calls anger as the most frenzied and hideous emotion. He states that all other emotions in the world have something placid in them; however, anger is something that is just an impulse. Seneca wants to persuade his audience by saying that anger is greedy for revenge. Seneca also provides the reference to historical events, which have caused great destruction and devastation. He states that anger has caused great destructions in many nations, and has resulted in eradicating their foundations. Anger is also associated with element of desires and pain in the ancient history, where the pain is felt, when the person is unjustly harmed and he would definitely desire revenge. Thus, anger leads to destruction.

Seneca’s On Anger has been divided in two parts, where the first part discusses anger and second part provides the remedies. According to Cooper and Procopé, (1995), The Stoic theory of emotions states that any emotion could be filled with pain or desire. Both elements could be present in one emotion. Stoic theory classifies anger as a desire. In agreement to this philosophical theory, Seneca accepts that anger could be considered as a ‘burning desire’. When a person is in anger, he desires to punish the other, by whom they are unjustly harmed. The major concept about anger presented by Seneca is to know how anger is alleviated. De Botton (2001), states that if a person focuses on what is wrong and what has to be cured, and also have the honest wish to cure, such people can overcome their anger. De Botton (2001) further argues that Seneca has to persuade his audience with his recommendations about how anger can be controlled, before he informs the audience that Stoic that human emotions can be dreadfully harmful.


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