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许多儿童小说通常都是作者生活的化身。作者感到的天生的悲伤通常被阐明。例如,在Beatrix Potter的动物中,逃离幽闭恐惧症的家庭环境。这是暗示作者感受到的问题。但是,Salman Rushdie的作者并非如此。这部小说的不同之处在于故事不如故事中探索的任何东西。世界着名的精神领袖探索世界着名精神领袖的主题。有永恒救赎的承诺(Teverson,2001)。主角Haroun是着名讲故事Rashid的儿子。这实际上是一个几乎接近“Rushdie”的字母组合。这个故事中的哈里发(哈里发)被称为“观念海洋”。与奥菲斯类似,关于鸟类和野兽的细节引人注目。这本书的核心主题是对演讲的苦恼。这与该国的苦难并行(Van Coillie&Verschueren,2014)。


据观察,哈劳住在一个忘记名字的悲伤城市。负责拉希德病情的恶棍是哈达姆 – 舒德。他有狂热的追随者,他们已经发出了沉默的誓言。在故事中,有关于黑暗和沉默的详细描述。然而,明显的漫画能量和活泼的口头发明是不容忽视的。在故事的过程中,气候受到情绪或居民的影响。主题得到了其他儿童经典的回响。叙事主题中的文字说明爱丽丝梦游仙境或幽灵收费亭。这是在故事情节中看到的。对言论自由的热爱使他们对无声的士兵有了战略上的进步。儿童和成人都可以欣赏喜剧元素。文学有一种力量。独裁者对这种文学的力量感到不安。故事出纳员很好地利用了这种力量。


Many of the children novels are usually personification of the life of the author. The innate sadness that the author feels is usually elucidated. For example, in the Beatrix Potter’s animals, there is escaping from the claustrophobic domestic environments. This is an allusion to the issues that were felt by the author. However, this is not the case with Salman Rushdie author. The difference in this novel is that the stories are not as fantastic as anything that is explored in the tale. There is a take on the world-famous spiritual leader who explores the theme where the world-famous spiritual leader. There is a promise of eternal salvation (Teverson, 2001). The protagonist Haroun is the son of the famous story-teller Rashid. This is actually an almost near-anagram of “Rushdie”. The Khalifa (Caliph) in this story is known as the Ocean of Notions. Similar to Orpheus, there is a fascinating attention to details about the birds and beasts. An affliction to the speech is observed to the central theme of the book. This is paralleled by affliction of the country (Van Coillie & Verschueren, 2014).


Haroun is observed to live in a sad city that had forgotten its name. The villain who is responsible for Rashid’s condition is Khattam-Shud. He has fanatical followers who have taken a vow of silence. In the story, there is detailed description about the darkness and silence. However, the obvious comic energy and lively verbal invention cannot be discounted. In the course of the story, there is the climate that is affected by mood or inhabitants. The themes have been echoed from other children’s classics. The wordplay in the narrative theme suggests Alice in Wonderland or Phantom Tollbooth. This is seen in the storyline. The love of the free speech gives them a strategic advance over the silent soldiers. There are comedy elements that can be enjoyed by the children as well as adults. The literature has a power. This power of the literature is dreaded by dictators. This power has been well utilized by the story teller.

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