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在公司里有两种类型的团队。它是正式组和非正式组。公司的正式团体被合并在一起,并且非常有组织。他们被发现能够满足公司的特定任务,并且能够有效地相互协调。他们能够实现更新的复杂决策,并且有一个正式的决策过程。在非正式群体的情况下,他们被发现是为了满足个人的需要,他们觉得自己是核心圈子的一部分(Handy, 1993)。在这种情况下,员工能够感觉到自己是组织结构的一部分,但不觉得自己是共享体育激情的非正式团体的一部分。正因为如此,她感到被冷落了。这个过程让员工觉得自己不是公司的一部分,这反映在员工的工作效率上。员工由于被排除在群体之外而感到高度的不安全感和忧虑(Marchington, 2015)。

应该在团队内部正确定义领导,以确保团队取得进展。人们发现,拥有强大领导能力的公司能够表现得更好。据说公司里有两种领导方式。这是交易型和变革型领导。在领导的种类中,有四种领导可以广义地定义。它是合作者、集成商、变革领导者和生产者(Kreitner, Kinicki, and Buelens, 2002)。合作者类型的领导者是有同理心的,并且专注于发展单独的团队。它们有助于发展人们天生的创造力。集成商领导者更关注分析面,他们通过驱动性能和获得影响力来定义目标。变革领导者更有创新精神,他们充满活力,有创新精神,有能力让人们变得更好。在生产者的案例中,人们发现他们更直接,扮演着更权威的角色。在这种情况下,要保证团队的发展,就应该结合领导风格来提高绩效。


HRM and SHRM in relation to the team

According to HRM theory, the function of the management is to develop a recruitment model, select employees, induct employee, provide adequate training, ensure performance, provide with proper rewards, recognize the efforts and try to avoid employee turnover. In this organization, it has been found that there is no real induction training provided to the employees. Structure of a company should not affect the productivity of the company; it should rather be the opposite. Strategic Human Resources management is the process of aligning the human resource management of the company with the original objective of the company. It has been found in this process that the particular individuals in the company do not feel like she is a part of the culture of the company. This is due to the fact that there is real induction practice or culture training provided to the new employee. They are not able to understand what the people are feeling; this is the main problem for not performing well. This is clearly essayed in the function of the employee.

All the employees in the company should work towards a common goal. This is not reflected in the individual team. This has proven to be an impediment for the progress of the team.

Formal and informal Groups

There are two kinds of teams that are seen in companies. It is the formal group and the informal group. Formal group of the company are combined together and are very structured. They are found to meet the particular tasks of the company and they are found to coordinate with each other effectively. They are able to implement newer complex decision and there is a formal decision process. In the case of informal groups, they are found to satisfy the individual need and they feel included as part of the inner circle (Handy, 1993). In this case, the employee is able to feel like she is a part of the structure but does not feel that she is a part of the informal group that share the passion for the sport. Owing to this, she feels left out. This process has made the employee feel like she is not part of the company and this is reflected in the productivity of the employee. There is a high level of insecurity and apprehension that the employee feels owing to this exclusion from the group (Marchington, 2015).

Leadership should be defined properly within the teams to ensure that there is progress of the teams. It has been found that companies that have a strong leadership are able to perform better. It has been said that there are two kinds of leadership within the company. It is transactional and transformational leadership. Of the kinds of leadership, four kinds of leadership can be broadly defined. It is the collaborator, integrator, change leader and producer (Kreitner, Kinicki, and Buelens, 2002). Collaborator kinds of leaders are empathetic and focus on developing the individual teams. They help in developing the innate creativity of the people. The integrator leaders are more focused towards the analytical face and they define goals by driving performance and gaining influence. Change leader is more innovative and they are charsimatic, innovative and have the ability to infleucne people to perfrom better. In the case of producer, it has been found that they are more direct and take a more authoritative role. In this case to ensure that there is development of the team, there should be combination of leadership style to enhance performance.

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