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本章试图回顾学术文献和期刊文章,以了解新兴国家企业国际化的视角,以及参与并购战略的各自动机。在这一节中,广泛地进行了一篇文献综述,以发表论文、期刊文章和其他有用的互联网资源的实证研究为基础。一套关于国际化的综合性研究,从发达国家的公司的角度探讨了国际化的前提、描述和后果。最重要的是,很少有从新兴国家的角度出发的文献和研究,以及它们参与国际化进程的动机。当考虑到前提条件时,重点是动机、推动者和企业层面因素(Hong and Sun,2006)。文献综述将覆盖的概念,如新兴经济体的企业国际化的过程中,并购战略和对外直接投资及其影响公司的性能,理论分析动机的并购和收购的大小之间的关系和对外直接投资的动机。这些研究和期刊文章从新兴国家公司的角度对国际化进行了全面的分析。文献综述中提出的思想、信息和见解,已经完全覆盖了有关国际化的相关研究。


This chapter is an attempt to review the scholarly literature and journal articles to gain insights about the aspect of internationalization of firms from emerging nations and the respective motivation for engaging the acquisition strategy. Broadly, a literature review has been conducted in this section based on empirical studies in published papers, journal articles, and other useful internet sources. A comprehensive set of studies on internationalization has explored the antecedents, descriptions, and consequences of internationalization from the perspectives of companies from developed countries. Most importantly, there are few literature and studies conducted from the perspective of the emerging countries and their motive to engage in the internationalization process. When antecedents are considered, the focus is on the motives, facilitators and firm level factors (Hong and Sun, 2006). The literature review would cover concepts such as the process of internationalization of firms from emerging economies, acquisition strategy and outward FDI and its influences on the performance of companies, theoretical analysis of the motivations of acquisition and the relationship between the size of acquisition and the motivation for outward FDI. The studies and journal articles reviewed provide a comprehensive analysis of internationalization from the perspective of firms from emerging countries. The ideas, information, and insights presented in the literature review have inflicted a complete coverage of the relevant studies on internationalization.

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