

澳洲论文代写 论文通

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Consider stakeholder implications in the case of strategy 3. By virtue of rights, it might appear that BR has not have breached anything here. It has neither accepted a new business technology nor has gone out of the way to stop it. However, BR has breached rights to stakeholders such as investors in the company to whom BR holds a due responsibility to maximize profits. In strategy 4, BR should discuss this strategy to ensure all its investors and other stakeholders are on board and highlight that such a plan albeit costing the company in current times would be a profitable venture over time. Strategy 5 has negative implications for all stakeholders and is completely unethical under both utilitarianism and rights ethics and strategy 6 ensures that everybody profits and also is ethical under the rights theory. Strategy 7 is similar to strategy 2. However, it is not stated here that BR will only adapt elements that support profitability. Therefore, this adaptation is on an overall level better than strategy 2 when stakeholder adverse and beneficial implications are considered. If the technology is flawed in any way, then the dedicated research team that is testing it, would be helping everybody by following strategy 8.

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