

澳洲论文代写 论文通

澳洲论文通 ASSIGNMENT PASS - 论文代写以独特的澳洲论文代写.澳洲essay代写和assignment代写专业服务理念,尝试创新的代写形式赢得了澳洲留学生的口碑.我们代写团队对于代写论文采取多样化的手段.做到了代写论文的原创性和对论文抄袭的杜绝.



ACS行为准则的第二个价值是,IT开发者必须始终以确保其开发产品在某种程度上提高了受产品影响的个人的生活质量的方式工作(ACS,2014)。那么现在要解决的问题是,如果客户能够用Jane签名的软件产品获得更好的生活质量?案例研究表明,该系统已通过所有合同测试,简由雇主放心签字。从法律上来说,她并没有像客户要求进行什么样的测试以及软件开发公司同意的那样完成。然而,她个人和道德上面临着一个难题,因为凭借多年的经验,她知道子库存系统风险依然存在,而且这些风险也会给客户和员工造成重大伤害(尽管他们的生命没有危险)。潜在的失败可能会使他们遭受损失,因此即使他们没有遭受直接的身体伤害,他们的生活质量也会受到间接的损害。现在根据ACS的第二个价值,ICT应该保护和促进人们的健康和安全。其含义是不应该直接或间接地影响人的健康。 ACS代码和案例研究指出,计算机专业人员必须“避免任何可能损害专业形象或损害ACS良好名誉的行为或行为(ACS,2014b,p.13)。所以Jane不应该在软件系统的测试上签字。


The second value of the ACS code of conduct states that the IT developer must always work in a way that would ensure their developed product in some way improved the quality of life for the individuals who would be affected by the product (ACS, 2014). So now the question to address is, if the client would have better quality of life with the software product that Jane is signing off? The case study indicates that the system has passed all the contracted tests and Jane is reassured by her employers to sign off. Legally she is under no conundrum as such as what tests were required by the client and what the software development company agreed too has been completed. However, personal and ethically she is facing a conundrum because with her years of experience she knows that sub inventory system risks still exist and these risks could as well lead to significant harm for client and employees (albeit their lives are not in danger). The potential failure could make them suffer losses and hence their quality of life will be impaired indirectly even if they do not suffer a direct physical injury as such. Now according to the second value of the ACS, the ICT should protect and promote the health and safety of people. The meaning is that it should not directly or indirectly affect the health of people. ACS code and case studies state that the computing professional must “refrain from any conduct or action in your professional role which may tarnish the image of the profession or detract from the good name of the ACS (ACS, 2014b, p.13). So Jane should not sign off on the tests for the software system.

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