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世界各地的人们都在关注自己的隐私,这已经成为了世界范围内最常见的话题。Face book面临许多争议,但最大的争议是关于这项在社交网站上进行的研究,其中包括数十亿人作为研究协议。这个词研究协议到底是什么?科学家们在实验中使用这个词,并将个体作为他们研究的对象。真正的辩论开始于这种类型的研究变得不道德,人们担心这样的研究是在未经他们同意的情况下进行的。真正的问题在于营销活动和研究,如果这种类型的社会科学研究是不道德的,那么在这些社会网站和许多其他平台上进行的营销研究没有得到个人的同意吗?这一争论从未停止,因为专家和外行的意见都来自于此。根据1976年的国家研究法案,社会科学研究的轮廓和界限被详细和强调。如果这些细节没有被研究过,他们就跨越了道德界限,这种研究对社会毫无用处,即使它对社会有价值和益处,因为伦理的术语和界限已经被违背了。研究人员在脸谱网和其他社交网站上进行的研究应该与这些原则相一致。本文的其余部分将详细讨论这些争议,以及为什么人们会发现它是一个问题,也是一个讨论的理由。


People around the world are concerned about their privacy and this has become the most common topic in debates all over the world. Face book has faced many controversies but the biggest controversy is about the research that is conducted on the social networking site including billions of people as research protocols. What exactly is this word research protocol? Scientists use this word while they are experimenting and use the individuals as subjects of their research. The real debate starts when this type of research becomes unethical and people are concerned about the fact that this type of research is conducted without their consent. The real question arises about the marketing activities and researches, if this type of social sciences research is unethical what about the marketing researches conducted on these social sites and many other platforms without the consent of individuals? This debate never stops as opinions are drawn from experts and lay man. According to the national research act of 1976 outlines and boundaries of social sciences research were detailed and underlined. If these details are not followed by the researches they are crossing the ethical boundaries and this type of research is of no use to the society even if it is valuable and beneficial to the society because the ethical terms and boundaries have been violated. Researchers conducted on Face book and other social networking sites should be aligned with these principles that are detailed in this act. Rest of the essay will discuss in detail about the controversies and why people are finding it an issue and a reason to chat about.

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