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維多利亞女王夜市彙集了歐洲不同的品味和理念。隨着冬天的來臨,人們都在等待着進入這個市場,進入這個讓他們實現客戶價值的魅力之中。市場的基本氛圍是美麗的萬花筒,以不同顏色的形式照亮市場。這是市場上攤位營銷的一種形式。營銷人員總是確保他們的產品有吸引力,這樣客戶就可以關注他們的產品。這就是爲什麼包裝在產品銷售中具有重要價值的原因。因爲產品的覆蓋和美觀發揮着至關重要的作用,而這裏維多利亞女王夜市的色彩和市場氛圍有助於吸引來自遠方的客戶(YTN at the Winter night market – Young Tourism Network, 2015)。據說顧客購買的產品對眼睛有好處,而且看起來很漂亮。在這裏,來自不同地區的客戶僅僅是爲了參加這個市場,就可以實現經濟價值。這種營銷策略有助於吸引來自不同地區的客戶,也是冬季最受歡迎的活動之一。當顧客進入市場時,他們會在同一屋檐下觀察到不同的歐洲風味。這有助於滿足他們的情感因素。感官元素是通過不同的市場光線來吸引顧客。吸引顧客是最基本的因素。如果營銷人員成功地做到了這一點,其他因素也可以很容易地實現。顧客喜歡維多利亞女王夜市的吸引力和不同的顏色。所有這些顏色加在一起形成了市場上所有銷售者的強大存在感。市場的氛圍是如此的好,甚至連櫥窗裏的購物者都來買東西(Night market- Victoria market, 2016)。

社會元素的實現形式是使這個市場成爲一個社會聚會,人們和他們的家人聚集在一起,有一個地方進行社交。這個地方的營銷不是以個人遊客的形式進行的。社會化一直是顧客購買行爲的一個重要因素。今天,社會化和社會形象是提高顧客價值的重要因素之一。營銷人員知道,社會化元素可以通過開發一個吸引家庭的氛圍來實現(Verhoef和Lemon, 2013)。當家庭團聚的時候,他們與這個地方有着共同的紐帶和特殊的聯繫。記憶是形成的,這些記憶可以與家庭的其他成員分享。口碑是建立起來的,維多利亞女王夜市得到了比城市中任何其他事件更多的報道。這個市場給人一種親密的感覺,它把顧客聯繫在一起,讓他們明年也能來參觀。如上所述,維多利亞女王夜市並不只是一個普通的市場。公司與客戶建立了良好的關係。這種關係是以記憶和紐帶的形式分享的,這些記憶和紐帶在他們的餘生都與這個市場相連(YTN at the Winter Night market – Young Tourism Network, 2015)。現在,顧客價值的最後一個要素可以通過顧客參觀這個市場後所獲得的利益和滿意來實現。市場上的原木篝火爲市場提供了一些質樸的效果和溫暖,有助於創造記憶。伴隨着沼澤的成熟和天空下的火焰。這些都可以作爲吸引顧客的策略(Night market- queen Victoria market, 2016)。


Queen Victoria night market brings together different tastes and ideas of Europe at one place. As the winter starts, people wait to come to this market and enter in the charm that leads them towards the fulfilment of customer value. Basic ambiance of the market is beautiful kaleidoscope in the form of different colours that light up the market. This is one form of marketing the stalls present in the market. Marketers always make sure that they make their products attractive so that customer can pay attention towards their product. This is the reason why packaging has an important value in selling the products. For products covering and aesthetics play vital role and here at Queen Victoria night market colours and ambiance of the market helps in attracting the customers from far away (YTN at the Winter Night Market – Young Tourism Network, 2015). It is said that customers buy the products that are good for the eye and look beautiful. Here economic value is fulfilled when customers come from different regions just to attend this market. This marketing tactic helps in attracting the customers from different regions and is among one of the popular events of winter. When customers enter the market, they observe different tastes of Europe all under one roof. This helps in fulfilling their emotional element. Sensory element was achieved when the customers were attracted through different lights of the market. Attracting the customer is the basic factor. If the marketer succeeds in doing this, other elements can also be achieved easily. Customers like the appeal and different colours present in the Queen Victoria night market. All these colours add up to developing a strong presence of all the sellers present in the market. Ambiance of the market is so good that even window shoppers come and buy something (Night market-Queen Victoria market, 2016).

Social element is fulfilled in the form of making this market a social gathering where people came together with their families and have a place for socializing. Marketing of this place is not in the form of individual visitors. Socialization has always been an important contributor towards the purchasing behaviour of the customer. Today, socialization and image in the society are among some important factors that are required for increasing the customer value. Marketers know that socialization element can be fulfilled by marketing this place by developing an ambiance that attracts families (Verhoef and Lemon, 2013). When families come together, they share a bond and special connection with this place. Memories are made and these memories can be shared with other members of the family. Word of mouth is created and Queen Victoria night market receives more coverage than any other event in the city. This market has an intimate feel that connects its customers and makes them visit next year as well. As discussed above, Queen Victoria night market is not just a regular market. It has developed a strong relationship with its customers. This relationship is shared in the form of memories and bond that are linked with this market for the rest of their lives (YTN at the Winter Night Market – Young Tourism Network, 2015). Now, the last element of customer value can be achieved in the form of benefit and satisfaction received by the customers after visiting this market. Log fires at the market provide some rustic effects and warmth to the market that are helpful in creating the memories. Along with the marsh mellows and certain cam fires that come under the sky line. All these can be used as the strategies for attracting the customers (Night market-Queen Victoria market, 2016).

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