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她把自己的母亲看作是一个在社会上很坚强的人,尽管她有时会有双重标准。她对女性主义的看法将她描绘成一个固执的女权主义者。她对她的父亲和她的叔叔也有类似的正面看法。然而,总的来说,她对男性的看法至少和她描述的其他伊朗男人一样,并不是一种有利的基调。她认为他们傲慢,甚至威胁女性。他们被赋予了一种自我,因为他们是男人,因为Marjane试图通过她在波斯城邦的朋友的话语来粗暴地描述它,“从男人的角度来看,他们的dicks是不可抗拒的”(Satrapi 334)。


Most of the reviews on the work Persepolis are seen to focus on the feminist aspects of the work. This is interesting, as one does get the perspective to view Marji and her struggles as more than just of her gender. However, it is true that gendered oppression based on the authoritarian rules does come into perspective many times. Marji does write about the two women in her life in many ways and this does seem to reinforce the feminist angle. For instance, Marji writes about her grandmother whom she feels is just as much a rebel as she was. Marji considers her grandmother as the moral compass in her life.

She looks upon her own mother as someone who was strong in society despite her double standards at times. Her view on feminism portrays her as a stubborn feminist according to her critiques. She does present similar positive views of her father and her uncle. However in general, her view on men at least the way she depicts the rest of the Iranian men is not in a favourable tone. She presents them as arrogant and even threatening of women. They are presented to have an ego because they were men, as Marjane tries to portray it crudely through the words of her friend in Persepolis, “from men’s point of view, their dicks are irresistible” (Satrapi 334).

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