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生活是一个平衡的快乐与悲伤之旅(纳尔逊,2014)。生命的意图可以模糊,不同的大多数人,它是基于一个人的本质。有两种类型的性质。有些人是活跃的,寻找生命的意义。然而,一些被认为是被动的自然。对他们来说,生活就发生在他们随着时间的流逝,生活在它流经的大自然,体验,运气等等。这是区别一个人的本质,发展他的态度在生活中(Kuhse &歌手,2013)。一个人对生活的感知或死亡可能是由于一个人的本性。一个活跃的人不太可能一个自杀作为他们的最终目的是寻找最终的路径或生命的意义,而不是把这一目标的障碍,一个自杀。根据道德理论,是至关重要的这两种性质之间保持平衡过上成功的生活,建立一个心理和生理能力一个人去面对生活的困境。


Life is a balanced journey of happiness and sorrow (Nelson, 2014). The intention of life can be vague and different to most of the people and it is based on the nature of a person. There are two types of nature for people. Some people are active, who search for the meaning of life. However, some are considered as having passive nature. For them, life just happens to them as time goes by, life is faced in the way it flows through one’s nature, experiences, luck etc. It is the difference in the nature of a person that develops his attitude in life (Kuhse & Singer, 2013).  The perception of a person towards the life or death can be the result of a person’s nature. An active person is less likely to commit a suicide as their ultimate intention is to search for the ultimate path or meaning of life and not to bring an obstacle to this goal, by commit a suicide.  As per the moral theory, it is vital to maintain a balance between these two natures to lead a successful life and to build a mental and physical capacity for a person to face life’s difficult situations.

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