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在現代,組織績效越來越重要,特別是在充滿活力的市場競爭中。組織績效是通過各種指標和指標來衡量的(Becker, and hus, 2006)。績效指標的實施是通過公司的人力資源人員活動來衡量的。公司的人力資源使公司保持組織的競爭力。有一個有效的人力資源政策是強制性的,該政策應該被有效管理,以實現公司所需的績效目標(Cania, 2014)。有些技能、行爲和態度需要被人力資源模仿,以達到組織中所需的績效。

本分析的目的是瞭解管理者在複雜環境中所使用的戰略人力資源管理工具。公司的人力資源允許公司保持組織的競爭力(Becker, and hus, 2006)。有一個有效的人力資源政策是強制性的,該政策應該被有效管理,以實現公司所需的績效目標。有些技能、行爲和態度需要被人力資源模仿,以達到組織中所需的績效。爲了更詳細地理解這一點,本文以通用電氣公司爲例進行了分析。




在此基礎上,公司評估並制定自己的政策。他們還預測了該公司未來可能的潛力。GE公司被發現利用績效管理系統(Purce, 2014)。它被認爲是這家公司發展出來的最嚴格的責任形式之一。它利用活力曲線來衡量員工在公司中的表現。在這裏,員工被分爲三組。他們分別是前10名、70名和後10名。這讓公司能夠了解員工表現的細微差別。在評估員工績效的過程中,公司的責任和透明度是非常重要的(Purce, 2014)。相比之下,公司採用的流程被認爲是透明的。

公司使用的另一個度量標準是會話C。會話A用於財務,會話B用於業務策略,會話C始終用於公司的人力資源管理實踐(Purce, 2014.)。代替這個命名策略公司在這一過程中公司召開會議,包括成就的詳細審查,提交成果的商業結果,討論了與工會領導和還提供瞭如何使用人力資源的內部評估解決通用電氣的各種措施。在這個過程中,出現了六西格瑪過程、全球化、電子商務和多元化的領導作用。


In the modern era, organizational performance is gaining more and more importance especially in the dynamic markets that are competitive. Organizational performance is measured through various metrics and indices (Becker, and Huselid, 2006). The implementation of performance indicators are measured through human resource personnel activities of the companies. Human resources of a company allow a company to keep the organization very competitive. It is mandatory to have an effective human resource policy that should be managed effectively to achieve the required performance objectives for the company (Cania, 2014). There are certain skills, behaviors and attitudes that need to be emulated by the human resources to achieve the required performance in the organization.

Purpose of this analysis is to understand the Strategic human resources management tools used by the managers in a complex environment. Human resources of a company allow a company to keep the organization very competitive (Becker, and Huselid, 2006). It is mandatory to have an effective human resource policy that should be managed effectively to achieve the required performance objectives for the company. There are certain skills, behaviors and attitudes that need to be emulated by the human resources to achieve the required performance in the organization. To understand this in detail, the case study of GE Company, an international conglomerate company operating in multiple countries across the spectrum, has been analyzed.

About GE company

Four steps in strategic human resource management

Skill catalogue

Based on this, the companies gauge and develop their own policy regarding the same. They also forecast the probable potential of the company in the future. GE company is found to harness the Performance Management system (Purce, 2014). It is considered to be one of the most stringent form of accountability that has been developed by this company. It utilizes the Vitality curve to gauge the performance of the employee in the company. In this the employees are categorized into three groups. They are the top 10, vital 70 and the bottom 10 groups. These allow the company to understand about the nuances of employee performance. It is important for the company to have accountability and transparency in their processes while they gauge the performance of the employees (Purce, 2014). Comparatively, the processes adopted by the company are considered transparent.

Another metrics used by the company is Session C. Session A was for finance and Session B was for Business-strategy and session C has been always for Human resource management practices of a company (Purce, 2014.). In lieu of this naming strategy the company In this process the company hold meetings to include detailed review of accomplishments, presentation on the achievements of the business results, discusses with the union leads and also provides internal evaluation of how HR can be used to address the various initiatives of GE. In this process, come the Six Sigma process, globalization, electronic commerce and diversity leadership for the company.

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