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在实验中通常使用四种不同形式的MOKE。Al MOKE forms通常有一些共性。例如,使用的光激光器,偏振光束,角度,薄膜偏振器等。光束通常被显示出来,它直接聚焦在样品上。一旦这样做,光就极化,在极化中,反射光的影响被研究。重要的是要理解在这一点上,聚焦于样本的光束有助于实现所有这些。在反射中发送到样品的光束,并且在专门为目的而开发的检测器单元中捕捉到的反射分析,将显示出磁性样品的特征元素。在这一点上使用了一个检测器单元。该检测器单元可以定制,因此需要对磁性样品进行研究,可以单独进行研究。然而,一种非常简单的检测器单元和偏振单元是一种棱镜将光束分为偏振光束和监控的薄膜偏振器。一对光电二极管是为了监视而存在的。探测器是一个光电桥,因此在增加信号噪声和减少噪声方面起着重要作用。归一化差分信号计算给定电路因此(I1−I2)/(I1和I2)。这个值被确定为与克尔角成正比。


The MOKE is a popular technique because of how it is non-invasive. It is carried out under the influence of a pulsed magnetic field and sometimes a microwave field and both are critically non-invasive except for some material interactions. In the context of static or thin magnetic films, there is a need for noninvasive techniques and the MOKE comes handy here. Spatial resolutions are good with the MOKE and the spatial resolutions are only limited by the optical resolution that is used at this point. In the context of understanding stating and dynamic properties of thin magnetized films, one more aspect to be understood is that the lower the lateral dimension the less the resolution that can be applied for understanding sample. However, MOKE restricts resolution and capability only so far as the optical resolution and this increases efficiency in assessment. Static and dynamic natures of the thin magnetic films can hence be studied in a much more effective manner.

Four different forms of MOKE are being used in experiments usually. Al MOKE forms usually have some commonalities. For instance, the light laser that is used, the polarized beams, the angle, the thin film polarizer etc. The beam is usually exhibited such that it is focused directly onto the sample. Once this is done, the light is polarized and in the polarization, the effects of the reflected light are studied. It is important to understand at this point that the beam being focused on the sample is what helps in achieving all this. The beam sent into the sample results in the reflection, and tis reflection analysis captures in a detector unit specifically developed for the purpose will show the characteristic elements of the magnetic sample. A detector unit is made use of here at this point. The detector unit can be custom made a therefore what need to be studied from the magnetic samples can be studied in isolation. However, a very simple type of detector unit and polarization unit that is used is a prism divided beam into polarized beams and monitored in-film polarizer. A pair of photodiodes exists for the purpose of monitoring. The detector works as an opto electrical bridge and hence would play a role in increasing signal to noise and decreasing it. Normalized differential signal calculated for the given circuit is therefore (I1−I2)/(I1+I2). This value is identified to be directly proportional to the Kerr angle.


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