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塞恩斯伯里相信,联合王国(英国)的一站式零售杂货业应对激烈的竞争。尽管特易购是Sainsbury最大的竞争对手,但自2010年以来,他们竞争优势的差距已经明显扩大,对Sainsbury非常有利。根据最近的最新消息,Sainsbury已经超越Asda,成为2015年英国第二大超市(J Sainsbury plc, 2015)。由于沃尔玛的销售额下降,这对塞恩斯伯里(Sainsbury)的销量有了很大的影响。赛恩斯伯里公司将其战略作为一种平衡而有力的业务来执行和实施,特别注重其长期战略,以在未来几年建立一个可持续发展的业务(Useem, 2014)。一些有竞争力的企业已经在当地的市场平台上扩大了他们的股份(Wrigley, 2014)。这样的扩展导致了限制客户的选择,同时创造了伤害未来客户的范围。按照目前增长和资产持有的轨迹,情况将进一步恶化。



Sainsbury follows the belief that the one-stop retail grocery industry of United Kingdom (UK) deals with intensified competition. While Tesco is the biggest competitor of Sainsbury, the gap in their competitive edges have significantly widened since 2010 sufficiently favourable for Sainsbury. As per recent updates, Sainsbury is enjoying success attained by overtaking Asda for becoming the second largest supermarket of UK in 2015 (J Sainsbury plc, 2015). This has further become favourable for Sainsbury due to the drop in sales of Walmart, which is a major competitive threat to Sainsbury. Performing and implementing its strategies as a well- balanced and strong business, Sainsbury specifically focuses on its long term strategy to establish a sustainable business in the years to come (Useem, 2014). Several competitive businesses have expanded their shares at high levels across the local market platform (Wrigley, 2014). Such an expansion results in restricting customer choices while creating a scope to harm future customer. The situation would worsen as per the current trajectories of growth and asset holdings.

The report is set as per the current management and strategic approaches of Sainsbury to analyse the governance and performance of the company. First, the report describes the current strategic position of the company in terms of its profits and sales figures. Further ahead, the report evaluates the sustainability of Sainsbury’s current competitive position. Based on the overall discussion of current strategic position, this report will evaluate three strategic options for the business of Sainsbury. As per this evaluation, two strategic options will be selected in accordance with the competitive edge they provide. The overall discussion, evaluation and analysis will provide concluding and recommending points.

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