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广告以积极和消极的方式影响了人民。在美国观察到的广告的积极影响之一是促进公共服务。在广告的帮助下,联邦政府可以推行以人民福利为目的的不同计划。这些社会概念在广告的帮助下可以被普通大众所理解。无论是战时还是其他紧急情况,广告都能对人民产生积极的影响。个人了解与政府开展的活动有关的信息,对国家有利。通过广告传统广告也可以为美国公民带来大量的社会效益。以佛罗里达大学媒体实验室的学生Megan Vande Kerckhove为例,可以看到一个例子(Cappo,2003)。他表示,广告可以用作言论自由。广告对美国的经济也是有用的。广告一直在鼓励大量的公司竞争,并获得越来越多的新产品。由于广告,对美国的经济有积极的影响。它可以进一步帮助创造新的工作,因为越来越多的人需要广告的目的。广告的另一个好处就是人们可以在大量的产品中获得选择。


Advertising has impacted the people in both positive and a negative manner. One of the positive impacts of advertisements observed in America is the promotion of public services. With the help of advertisements, Federal government can promote different schemes launched for the purpose of welfare of the people. These social concepts can be easily understood by the common public with the help of advertisements. Be it the war-time or other emergency situations, the advertisements can have a positive impact on the people. This is beneficial for the nation as individuals gets to know the information related to the activity which is carried out by the government. It is also beneficial as through advertisements traditional advertisements can offer a large number of social benefits for the citizens of USA. One example can be observed by taking the example of Megan Vande Kerckhove who is a student at the University of Florida’s media lab (Cappo, 2003). He states that advertisement can be used as a free speech. Advertisement is also useful for the economies of USA. Advertisement has been encouraging a large number of companies to compete and get more and more new products. As a result of the advertisement, there is a positive impact on the economy of USA. It can further help with the creation of new jobs as more and more people are required for the purpose of advertisements. Another benefit of advertisement is that the people can get the choice among the large number of products.

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