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比较研究使人们能够了解阿尔茨海默病的早期发病风险。在由Wiseman等人完成的研究中。 (2015年),这些比较研究已经完成。在该分析中确定除了编码淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP)之外,额外的21号染色体基因还可以预测唐氏综合征患者的疾病。这些可以提供有关导致痴呆问题的机制的见解。未来,可以根据已获得的这些见解确定解决方案。


In the analysis that has been done by the student, it is evident that there is comprehensive analysis of the root causes of Alzheimer’s. The formation of amyloid-beta plaque and neurofibrillary tangles has been identified as the internal factor for the cause. Externally, the factors such as age, lifestyle choices and the losses of cognitive function are detailed. These two articles provide insights about the disease. These are accurate interpretation. The Alzheimer’s study is an ongoing study and the current deductions that have been made about the particular condition have been comprehensively determined. In this analysis, the mechanism of Down syndrome can be used to analyse the root cause.

Comparative studies enable the people to understand the risks of early onset of Alzheimer disease. In the research done by Wiseman et al. (2015), these comparative studies have been made. It was determined in this analysis that apart from the encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP), the additional chromosome 21 genes can also predict the disease in the people in down syndrome. These can provide insights about the mechanism that causes the issues of dementia. In the future, there could be determination of the solutions based on these insights that have been garnered.


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