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1886年,当产品由Pemberton制定时,命名产品可口可乐的最初原因是为了使产品看起来具有吸引力并让人们尝试新产品。 Spencerian脚本被用于产品的开发。 1887年至1890年代,该公司插入了一个商标。这是为了建立基于利基消费群的身份。在20世纪40年代到1960年,尾部调整主题被开发出来。从1969年开始,使用白色波浪。这在当前仍在使用(Esch&Strödter,2008)。在2003年,真正的运动和白浪的使用以黄色和泡沫的冲击为例。保持真正的运动是为了吸引更多的消费者。从2011年到2015年,该公司使用基于庆祝公司过去,现在和未来的125岁生日标志。 2013年至2014年,该公司开始分享焦炭活动,以取代社交媒体的最新发展。 2015年,公司开发了“一品牌”战略整合战略。公司多年来运用了消费者外部市场需求策略相结合的过程,运用最新技术,注重企业社会责任来开发流程。


In 1886 when the product was formulated by Pemberton, the original reason for naming the product Coca Cola was to make the product look attractive and enamour the people to try the new product. The Spencerian script was used for the development of the products. In 1887 to 1890s, the company inserted a trademark. This was to establish identity based on the niche consumer base. In 1940s to 1960, the tail tweak theme was developed. From 1969, the use of the white wave is used. This is still in use in the current times (Esch & Strödter, 2008). In 2003, the real campaign and the use of the white wave were exemplified with the shock of yellow and bubbled. Keeping it real campaign was to bring in more consumers. From 2011 to 2015, the company uses the 125th birthday logo that is based on the celebration of the past, present and future of the company. In 2013 to 2014, the company had started to share a coke campaign that was in lieu with the latest development of the social media. In 2015, integrated strategy of the “one brand” strategy was developed by the company. The company in its years of operation had used the process of combining the strategies of external market requirement of consumers, utilized the latest technology and focused on the corporate social responsibility to develop the process.

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