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通过自愿披露和与公司声誉有关的企业社会责任质量报告已经被研究人员直接和其他相关的方式进行了研究。例如,研究人员克拉克森、华芳、李和理查森(2010)的研究,分析了企业社会责任的自愿披露是否会对企业的认知产生积极影响。调查发现,在自愿披露的情况下,公众情绪得到了积极的改善。本研究利用Janis Fadner系数对企业社会责任对公众情绪的影响进行了研究。Janis Fadner利用环境和社会文章来展示这种联系。虽然确实使用詹尼斯Fadner可能不是完全可靠的,因为它是基于媒体研究,系数也表明,至少社会和环境媒体的文章,携带大量的影响公众相信,自愿披露将改善公众情绪。

因此,在研究中建立了一些联系。同样,在Brown and Dacin(1997)和Ittner等人(1998)的研究中,人们发现,当企业在企业社会责任的披露中更好地承担责任时,公众情绪得到了很大的改善。实地研究表明,顾客对产品的满意程度会随着公司对产品的自愿披露而增加。根据公司自愿披露的信息,公司声誉与公司声誉之间的这种关系表明,企业正在认真对待企业社会责任报告。企业社会责任问责制和自愿报告显示,企业对企业社会责任的行为很感兴趣,而这本身就提高了公司的声誉。


CSR quality reporting by means of voluntary disclosures and their connection with company reputation has been studied directly and in other connected ways by researchers. For instance, consider the study of researchers Clarkson, Hua Fang, Li and Richardson (2010), the researchers analysed for whether voluntary disclosures in CSR will have a positive impact on how the organization is perceived. It was found that public sentiment improved positively when there was voluntary disclosure. The Janis Fadner coefficient was made use of in this study to show the effect of CSR on public sentiment. The Janis Fadner makes use of environmental and social articles to show the connection. While it is true that the use of the Janis Fadner might not be fully reliable given that it is based on media studies, the coefficient does indicate that at least social and environmental media articles that carry a high amount of influence on the public believe that voluntary disclosures will improve public sentiment.

Some connect is hence established in the studies. Similarly in the case of the study of Brown and Dacin (1997) and Ittner et al. (1998), it was seen that public sentiments improved largely when companies took to better accountability in disclosures of CSR. The field study shows that customer satisfaction with respect to the product increases when they know the product in line with the voluntary disclosures that the company has made. This form of relationship between company reputations based on public sentiment as per the company’s voluntary disclosures shows that companies are taking up CSR reporting very seriously. CSR accountability and voluntary reporting shows companies are interested in their CSR actions and this alone leads to an improved reputation of the company.


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