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财务比率显示了人工耳蜗的性能。流动比率显示了公司支付债务的能力。目前的比率估计了联合国支付所有义务的能力。公司的流动比率在2以上,说明财务状况较好,公司可以支付本金贷款金额和利息。2016年的流动比率为2.16,说明公司业绩良好。负债与总资产的比率显示了公司的财务杠杆。它估计了由债务、负债和债权人融资的公司总资产总额。公司总资产的债务已经显示出积极的结果(Welch, 2014)。公司的总资产超过总负债。这一比率显示了公司强劲的财务业绩。因此,这些比率清楚地表明公司能够支付贷款和利息。净利润表现为公司净利润的增加和公司业绩的提高。


公司的现金流量表显示现金的流入和流出。经营现金流量显示经营活动的现金流量。运营现金流在2015年有所减少,但在2016年有所增加。2016年的现金流远超2015年。用于投资活动的现金为负余额,用于融资活动的现金为负余额。然而,2016年公司净现金流有所增加,现金流入有所增加。现金流量表显示了公司的正现金流(Rahman, 2015)。


The financial ratios show the performance of Cochlear Implants. The liquidity ratios show the ability of the company to pay the obligations. The current ratio estimates the ability of the organization to pay all the obligations. The current ratio of the company is above two which implies strong financial position, and the company can pay the principle loan amount and its interests. The current ratio in the year 2016 is 2.16 which implies good performance of the company. The debt to total asset ratio shows the financial leverage of the company. It estimates the total amount of total assets of the company that was financed by debt, liabilities and creditors. The debt to a total asset of the company has shown a positive result (Welch, 2014). The total assets of the company are more than the total liabilities. The ratio shows the strong financial performance of the company. Thus, the ratios clearly show that the company would be able to pay the loan and interest. The net profit margin shows an increase in the net profit of the company and increase in the performance of the company.


The cash flow statement of the company shows the inflow and outflow of cash. The operating cash flow shows the flow of cash from operating activities. The cash flow from the operating has decreased in the year 2015, but it has increased in the year 2016. The cash flow in the year 2016 is much more than the year 2015. The cash used for the investing activities shows negative balance and the cash used by the financing activities shows a negative balance. However, the net cash flow of the company has increased in the year 2016 and depicted increase in the inflow of cash. The cash flow statement shows the positive flow of cash of the company (Rahman, 2015).

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