美国 essay 代 写:瑞安航空公司的问题


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美国 essay 代 写:瑞安航空公司的问题

众所周知,瑞安航空公司的首席执行官厚颜无耻地采用了维护公司的领导风格。首席执行官迈克尔•奥利里(Michael O’leary)证明,公司在很少尊重股东的情况下成功运营。从此以后,他就以故意搞负面宣传和对顾客态度恶劣而闻名。用来描述这些问题的例子包括这样一个事实:忘记打印登机牌的乘客被描述为白痴。正在同本组织的其他利益攸关方进行同样的交流。根据CEO的观点,故意的负面宣传增加了品牌知名度,但是他没有意识到公司需要为负面的品牌印象付出很多。关于这个问题的另一个例子是,如果袋子的大小增加了一毫米,乘客将被罚款。员工不回复客户的邮件或电话查询。要证明这一点,可以看看英国的杂志《Which?》(Which?),在该杂志中,该公司被列为最糟糕的企业服务品牌。这样,问题的理由或问题就可以确定为瑞安航空。

美国 essay 代 写:瑞安航空公司的问题


美国 essay 代 写:瑞安航空公司的问题

The CEO of the Ryanair is known to be cheeky for the leadership style followed for maintaining the organization. The CEO, Michael O’Leary, proves that the company is operating successfully with very little respect to the stakeholders. Henceforth, he is known for making intentional bad publicity and unfavourable attitude towards the customers. The example that is indicated for describing the issues consists of the fact that the passengers who forgot to print out their boarding passes are described as the idiots. The same type of communication is being carried out with the other stakeholders of the organization. As per the views of the CEO, the intentional negative publicity increases the brand awareness, but he does not realize that the company has to pay a lot for creating the brand impression in a negative way. The other example regarding the issue depicts that the passengers are fined if the bag size increases a millimetre of the prefixed size. The employees do not reply to the emails or the phone queries of the customers. The justification of this point can be achieved by viewing the British Magazine” Which?” in which the company is indicated as the top worst brands of corporate service. In this way, the justification of the problems or the issues can be identified for the Ryanair.

美国 essay 代 写:瑞安航空公司的问题

The new marketing director should determine and analyse the issues of Ryanair. The marketing director has to evaluate the needs and issues faced by the customers. The director can collect information from different sources that will assist to examine the performance of the company in the market. The financial report shows the financial performance of the company. It also shows the relations with the suppliers, shareholders, employees and customers of the company. The increase in popularity of social media platform has changed the attitude, behaviour and thinking of many people. Therefore, the marketing director can collect information from social media sites. Many people post their issues on the social media websites that affect the business operations of any organization. The marketing director should interact with the people on the social media sites that will assist to acquire vital information as well their thinking towards the company. The opinions of citizens can be collected by conducting the survey. The sales revenue can be increased with the increase in the customer satisfaction. The customers should be provided with quality services. The implementation of appropriate sales strategy is very much important, and the sales department estimates the ability of the organization to generate sales revenue.

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