personal statement 怎么写:住宿学校的长期影响


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personal statement 怎么写:住宿学校的长期影响




personal statement 怎么写:住宿学校的长期影响

The main purpose of the book is including some of the light moments of the schooling experience of the author. Thus, the content of the book describes various events from school days. This includes the author’s perceptions about a regular school day, the holidays, habits of teachers and even the curriculum of the school. All the incidents have been explained from the perspective of students and boyish adventures. Thus, many narratives from the book include many humorous episodes from the daily life of ‘Spanish’. It explains that the residential schools have restrictions, with lot of discipline and students and constantly crave for freedom. The child’s cultural inheritance was strictly suppressed by the faculty.

The book also explains that the identity of the students was repressed by calling them with numbers instead of their names. The most drastic situation in the residential schools was that, children were not allowed to speak any language other than English. According to Murphy, “the most obvious way to destroy a culture and enforce silence is to destroy language”. Language is considered as the most vital element of any culture. The cultural transmission of the language from one generation to another is done in order to maintain cultural and historical continuity. But, in Indian Residential Schools children were cruelly punished for speaking their native language. In some of the schools the needles were pushed in the tongues of children as punishment for speaking their native language.

The children were supposed to learn English from nuns and pries, who were themselves not very fluent in speaking English. Johnston himself experienced a French and German version of English, because the priest who was working in his schools was either of French origin or German. Such teachers were unable to help children. This situation was similar in other residential schools as well. Still, children were punished for making mistakes in their English. The situation was very difficult for children to overcome it; they used two ways for their defence. The students either kept their eyes down or spoke nothing; or they learnt Indian sign language to communicate with other children.

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