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当前向循环商业模式的转型需要一种具有挑战性里程碑的雄心勃勃的战略(Smedley, 2014)。它被Desso认定为企业对企业市场日益开放的绩效模式。这些组织以工业用的地毯和办公室用的地毯开始他们开发了一个运动系统从摇篮到摇篮再到羊毛地毯。该组织正致力于从玉米副产品中提取生物可降解的原料,以满足消费者的需求。在生物圈中,材料和设计师的专家们进行了实验,从竹子中提取了大量的纱线,这种纱线具有优势,一旦地毯被磨损,它就可以以安全的方式回到食物种植系统中(Andersen, 2007)。然而,值得注意的是,在提高耐用性方面,产品仍有改进的余地。该组织认识到,循环经济不仅仅是指材料和产品。因此,该组织的目标是在循环中所需的状态内利用可再生能源(Andersen, 2007)。比利时和荷兰的计划使用的电力是水力发电,这表明没有以矿物燃料为基础的发电。这是由能源供应商认证,并通过一个独立的组织交叉检查,能源供应商的认证是真实的。


这是谷歌大规模实施循环经济战略的又一个例子,而不是对数据中心内部硬件的管理。研究发现,该组织通过维护、再制造、通过二级市场销售和回收再分配,在循环经济中集成了最佳实践(Desso, 2016)。讨论的实践以及基于总拥有成本(TCO)原则的谷歌循环方法优化了服务器的使用寿命,从而避免了每年高达数亿美元的成本。大部分基础设施都是定制设计的(Desso, 2016)。所有的系统都协同工作,并通过优化来提供高性能和低TCO计算基础设施,从而在能源效率的帮助下为组织节省超过10亿美元的运行。由于装配的制造和构建的服务器操作由谷歌管理,谷歌本身的组织就是服务器供应链中的产品制造商。



公司的最佳实践将集中于维护、翻新、再利用和循环利用。因此,这些最佳实践的重点将是消除任何浪费并尽可能多地使用一切。例如,在维护方面,谷歌将在数据中心对其进程进行修复,从而延长服务器的预期寿命。当serer发生故障时,该公司将通过翻新组件替换部件。这允许更长的部件使用(Graff, 2016)。内存模块和硬盘驱动器通常被替换。公司能否在那里着眼于延长产品寿命,以确保没有任何产品的浪费。

提供的下一个最佳实践是关于翻新或再制造。为此,公司应该有一个独特的和创新的翻新部门(Desso, 2016)。通过这种方式,公司可以通过构建服务器的程序来构建自己的服务器。翻新后的部件可用于建造具有制造性质的服务器,这些服务器可部署在数据中心内。


Case of Desso

A strategy of ambition nature with milestones of challenging nature is demanded by the present transition towards the model of circular business (Smedley, 2014). It is identified by Desso that business to business market was increasingly open for the model of performance. The organizations initiated with the tiles of carpet for industry and offices post which they developed a sport systems Cradle to Cradle and moves to the carpets that are woolen. The organization is working on the base produced from the byproduct of corn that is bio-degradable in order to tackle the market of customers. There have been experiments within the biosphere conducted by the experts of material and designers, considerably taking the yielding yarn from bamboo that holds the advantage that once the carpet is concern goes worn, it can return to the system of food farming in a safe manner (Andersen, 2007). However, it is noted that there is still scope of product improvisation in terms of enhancement of the durability. It is realized by the organization that circular economy is not solely in regards to the materials and products. Hence, the organizational aim to utilize renewable energy within the required states present in the cycle (Andersen, 2007). The use of electricity within the plans situated in Belgium and Holland are based on hydropower, which suggests that there is no fossil fuel based electricity generation. This is certified by the energy providers and cross checked through an independent organization that the certification of energy providers are true.

Case of Google Data centre

This is another example of the manner in which Google has implemented strategy of circular economy at large scale than how the inside hardware of data centers are managed. It is identified that the organization has integrated best practices within the circular economy through maintaining, remanufacturing, redistributing through sales of secondary market and recycling (Desso, 2016). The discussed practices along with the circular approach of Google to optimize the server’s end of life if based on the principles of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) have resulted in avoidance of cost amounting to hundreds of million each year. Most of infrastructure is designed custom (Desso, 2016). All system operates in collaboration and with optimization to deliver high performance with low TCO infrastructure of computing that saves the organization over one billion dollars within operation with the help of efficiency in energy. As manufacturing and built server operations of assembly is managed by Google, the organization of Google itself is the manufacturer of product within the supply chain of server.


Recommending best practices in circular economy

The best practices to the company will focus on maintaining, refurbishing, reusing and recycling. Therefore, the focus of these best practices will be on eliminating any waste and using everything as much as possible. For example, with regard to maintenance, google undergoes to repair its processes at the centre for data allowing for long servers life expectancy. As failure of serer occurs, the company replaces the parts through refurbished components. This allows for longer parts usage (Graff, 2016). Memory modules and hard drives are generally replaced elements. The company can there look at prolonging the product life in order to ensure that there is no wastage of any product.

The next best practice offered is with regard to refurbishing or remanufacturing. For this, the company should have a unique and innovating refurbishing department (Desso, 2016). Through this, the company can build its individual servers through programs for building servers. The parts that are refurbished can be then utilized for building servers of manufactured nature and these can then be deployed within the centres of data.

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