swot analysis 代写:批判性评价


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swot analysis 代写:批判性评价

本文以批判性思维和对三篇反映完全不同领域和不同问题的文本的分析研究为基础。基本上,本文分为三个不同的部分,每个部分都批判性地分析了关于强迫劳动的文献,Keeley Hawes的采访以及在英国宪法下对公民投票的看法。本文对这三篇文本的深刻意义进行了压缩描述,并基于上述主题,从现实场景和现实角度,对与证据相关的论据和可信度进行了批判性的评价。



据国际劳工组织统计,目前全球约有2100万人沦为奴隶。这是一个令人震惊的问题,但也是Aidan McQuade最近的博客所关注的一个事实:好的法律、法规以及有效和道德的商业行为如何有助于减少强迫劳动。当一个人访问南非、玻利维亚和许多其他国家时,可以用肉眼看到大量关于正在进行的奴隶制行为的证据。然而,这也引起了对现代奴隶制的关注,因为这一问题并不限于强迫劳动行为,因为它也涉及工人权利、童工、人口贩运等最恶劣的水平。在批判性地分析强迫劳动这一主题时,我们不能简单地忽略工人权利的概念(Business & Design, 2012)。根据ITUC发布的2015年全球人权指数,北非人民和海湾国家人民受到的待遇最差。白俄罗斯、中国、哥伦比亚、埃及、危地马拉、巴基斯坦、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、斯威士兰和阿联酋是受强迫劳动影响最大的国家,这些国家没有工人权利。矿工、新娘、拾荒者、采茶者都不是劳动者;直到今天,他们都是这个世界上的救星(Bogdanor & Rodriquez, 2014)。第一个案文主要集中于与强迫劳动有关的立法和条例问题,其中没有提到这些条件最恶劣的地区。最初,有人提到,大约有2100万人在不同的行业中被奴役,但没有提到与强迫劳动有关的最高人口统计学。然而,这些文献并不是关于强迫劳动如何影响世界的,而是阐明了如何才能结束强迫劳动。很明显,英国政府制定和实施新法律这一无可争议的事实,并不是一个已经被强烈声明的答案(Crutchfield & Grant, 2012)。然而,这些立法是否被跟踪地面根水平,观察是非常必要的,因为一旦发生在立法,改变它的主要责任是公民、政府和执法部门,这样的挑战对于强迫劳动的供应链问题可以有效解决。这个问题已经被描述为加州供应链透明法案的完美例子,以及它是如何通过接纳反奴隶制的新力量来帮助人类(Hafner-Burton, 2013)。女王的演讲也是这里的一个缩影,在文本中已经简要提到。逻辑角度欺骗一个失业的矿工还在这里说明根据多德-弗兰克(dodd – frank)(俄文?以?单位& Serafinas, 2015)。这种看法会引发人们思考,制定新的立法是否足够?他们会失去工作,然后会发生什么呢?第二部分(Robinson, 2014)对内容进行了全面的阐述,超越了数据和实证研究,这些数据和实证研究的真实性存在疑问,但是政府如何真正从基层着手解决这个问题,立法者如何在这里发挥作用。相关和值得称赞的例子乐施会在越南和孟加拉国协议给出的喷流沉积型供应链专家马克·罗伯逊的通信部门主管和作者本文关于强迫劳动和立法以及良好的组织实践活动能真正发挥作用。

swot analysis 代写:批判性评价

The essay is based on critical thinking and analytical study of three texts that reflect totally different domains and diverse issues. Basically, the essay has been categorised into three different sections, each section critically analysed literatures about forced labour, Keeley Hawes’ interview and perception of referendum in case of British Constitution. The paper compressively describes the profound senses of these three texts and assesses critically the argument as well as credibility related to the evidences based on the above mentioned themes on real world scenario and in terms of actuality.

Part 1

Forced Labour and Impact of Effective Laws as well as Business practices

According to the ILO, there are around 21 million people all over the world who get enslaved at present. It is a shocking issue but it is also a fact that drew attention of all people by the recent blog of Aidan McQuade about how good laws, regulations along with effective and moral business practices can contribute towards diminishing of forced labour. There are ample amount of evidences about the ongoing act of slavery which can be seen with naked eyes, when an individual visits South Africa, Bolivia and many other nations. However, this also raises the concern towards modern-day slavery because the issue is not confined in the act of forced labour, as it is also about worst level of workers’ right, child labour, human trafficking etc. While critically analysing this topic of forced labour, one can’t simply overlook the concept of workers’ right (Business & Design, 2012). As per the Global Rights Index 2015 by ITUC North African people and that of the people in Gulf States are treated the worst. Belarus, China, Colombia, Egypt, Guatemala, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Swaziland and UAE are the most affected countries by forced labour where there is no such thing as workers’ rights. The miners, brides, rag pickers, tea pickers are not labourers; they are salves in this world till this date (Bogdanor & Rodriquez, 2014). The first text mainly focuses on the legislations and regulations related issues of forced labour in which there is no mention of these worst conditioned areas. Initially, it has been mentioned that there are approximately 21 million people who are enslaved in different industries, but there is no mention of the highest demography that is exposed with forced labour. Nevertheless, the literature is not about how forced labour has affected the world, rather it puts light on what can be done to bring forced labour to an end. It is quite clear that the undisputed fact of formulation and implementation new legislations by the UK government is not an answer here which has been intensely stated (Crutchfield & Grant, 2012). However, whether these legislations are being followed at the ground root levels or not, observing that is quite necessary, because once a change occurs in legislation, it is the primary responsibility of the citizens, the government and the law enforcement authorities so that the challenges regarding forced labour which is the supply chain issues can be tackled effectively. This issue has been described with the perfect example of California Transparency in Supply Chain Act and how it helped the humanity by embracing new powers of anti-slavery (Hafner-Burton, 2013). The Queen speech is also an epitome here which has been briefly mentioned in the text. The logical perspective yet deceiving one with the unemployment of miners has also been illustrated here as per Dodd-Frank (Ruževičius & Serafinas, 2015). This kind of perception can provoke someone to the think about is it enough to make new legislation? What about the fact that they will lose their jobs and what will happen to them afterwards? The content helps to think beyond the statistics and empirical studies here that are in doubt true, but how can a government really tackle this issue on the ground level and how law-makers can make difference here, has been comprehensively explained in the second part (Robinson, 2014). Relevant and commendable examples of Oxfam at Vietnam and The Bangladesh Accord are also given here by the Sedex supply chain specialist Mark Robertson who is the communications department head and the writer of this text about forced labour and how legislations and good organisational practices as well as activities can really make a difference.

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