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小说作品对大众的影响是巨大的。在当代小说中,气候变化的表现一直是许多电影制作人所喜爱的主题。皮克斯的“瓦力”,11小时”莱拉康纳斯,“难以忽视的真相”戴维斯古根海姆,后天,“精神”的皮特•McGrain路上,当决堤:四徒安魂曲,“燃料”Josh Tickel,追逐冰,殖民地,“破坏”凯利、商检和贾里德·斯科特Snowpiercer一些电影和纪录片的小说作品,试图给群众一个强有力的信息预计气候变化及其影响。2004年的科幻电影——后天,试图展示全球变暖对地球的潜在危险影响。这部由罗兰艾默里奇制作、编剧和导演的电影,以全球变暖为背景,它是污染的副产品,已经改变了洋流,导致了异常的天气灾害(Swyngedouw,2013)。杰克霍尔,一位Paleo气候学家,发现在南极洲的一次小组探险中,一个巨大的冰盖被剪掉了,随之而来的是一系列的气候变化,最终迫使地球的北半球进入一个新的冰河时代(Chakrabarty,2014)。德里的雪景、东京的巨大冰雹和一连串的龙卷风破坏了洛杉矶的气候,这些都是电影试图提出的全球气候灾难性变化的一些影响。电影中的灾难描述是基于一个潜在的理论,即全球气温上升会阻碍和破坏北大西洋洋流,这可能导致全球气温骤降(Swyngedouw,2013)。尽管在情节夸张的场景中有点夸张,但这部电影成功地传播了它的中心主题,而最重要的一点无疑是,全球变暖有可能破坏洋流,从而导致全球变冷。


Narrative approach has risen in recent times as a powerful social science method that can be utilized to frame a sort of communication that is adaptive. The approach tends to influence the human psychology by communicating the subject matter in a way that is logical and practical, thus influencing to mold and effectuate the human behaviour as per narration. The approach is increasingly being applied to numerous fields and off late, has been utilized in numerous works of fiction to create awareness regarding the issues and implications of abrupt climatic changes (Paschen and Ison, 2015). The way we “story” the environment will determine how we comprehend and practice the expected adaptation. Having said that a narrative approach offers an innovative platform to give a better understanding of socio-ecological systems and the related adaptive communication strategies.


The impact of fiction work is immense on the masses. The representation of climate change in contemporary fiction has been a subject that is dear to many moviemakers. Pixar’s “Wall-E, “The 11th Hour” by Leila Conners, “An Inconvenient Truth” by Davis Guggenheim, The Day After Tomorrow, “Ethos” by Pete McGrain, The Road, When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts, “Fuel” by Josh Tickel, Chasing Ice, The Colony, “Disruption” by Kelly Nyks and Jared P. Scott, Snowpiercer are a few works of fiction among the movies and documentaries that have attempted to give a powerful message to the masses regarding the climatic changes and their expected impacts. The 2004 fiction movie- The Day After Tomorrow, attempts to showcase the potential hazardous impacts of global warming on earth. The movie, produced, written and directed by Roland Emmerich, begins on the premise that global warming, a by-product of pollution, has shifted the ocean currents resulting in exceptional weather disasters (Swyngedouw, 2013). Jack Hall, a Paleo climatologist, discovers that a huge ice sheet has clipped off while on a group expedition in Antarctica which is followed by a series of climatic shifts ultimately forcing the Northern Hemisphere of the earth into a new ice age (Chakrabarty, 2014). Scenes of snow in Delhi, rain of huge hailstones in Tokyo and a series of tornadoes wrecking Los Angles are some of the impacts of catastrophic changes in the global climate that the film attempts to put forward. The disaster depiction in the movie is based upon the underlying established theory that rising global temperatures can hamper and disrupt the North Atlantic currents which could lead to an abrupt cooling across the globe (Swyngedouw, 2013). Although a bit exaggerated in terms of melodramatic scenes, the movie manages to propagate its central theme and the most essential point which undoubtedly is that-Global warming has the potential to disrupt ocean currents which can lead to global cooling.

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