

智人Nanderthalensis俗称尼安德特人曾经生活在中东和欧洲的一些地区。 13万年前,这些人以前住在他们的性格像狩猎不同的特点,洞穴探险和复杂的石文化。本文将在这些生物详细讨论。


Physical anthropology
Homo Nanderthalensis commonly known as Neanderthals used to live in some parts of the Middle East and Europe. About 130,000 years ago these individuals used to live having different characteristics in their personality like hunting, caving and complex stone culture. This essay will discuss in detail about these creatures.
The two main ideas through which Neanderthals relate to the modern Homo sapiens are: their appearance was similar to modern Homo sapiens. They used to take shelter from ice and snow and took caves for protecting themselves. Many fossils have been discovered that explain the existence of Neanderthals and this explains their name of “Cave men”. These two aspects or primary reasons make them like the modern Homo sapiens.