


The word Digital Divide is a technological term that divides people in yet another differentiation but this time depending on the access to the technological equipment they have access to or not. This technology includes the access to the television, cell phones, computers and the internet.
Before the 20th century the digital divide was mainly applied to the masses having access to the telephone however afterwards in the late 90 the term has changed its direction and the division was directed towards those having access to the internet with those who did not (Tan Wee Hin, 2009).
It is not difficult at all to understand the main concept of Digital Divides, its simple division of the urban and rural residents, various socio economic groups, educated or uneducated people and also developing, developed or under developed countries, to the access or use of broadband services that brings in the divide.
Over the years and thanks to the media people now see internet broadband ads and the gadgets that keep them connected 24/7, this divide is becoming lesser. Since now when the service provider companies bring out the most attractive packages and rates for the customers to buy and get an access to the internet masses feel compelled to buy phones and computers to gain access to the net (Compaine, 2001).
The use of smartphones has greatly increased over the past few years and even now people falling under the category of uneducated or financially deprived are seen carrying phones with them gaining an access to the internet all day long. However there are many who are still deprived of the basic internet facility and feel neglected and not connected to the world out of their own homes.
The supporters for ending the digital divide and make it accessible to all argue that it will greatly increase the literacy, economic and social growth of masses in a great way. However it might take a long time to be able to put an end to it where access to the broadband is made available to all despite of the color, creed and locality of the people(Warschauer, 2004).
