


摘要文学骗局在文学世界中是一种非常古老而普遍的现象。使用假名在18世纪非常流行。女性使用男性笔名来获得认可,许多男性作家也用笔名写作,以保持作者的身份保密。然而,许多作者开始使用“不合乎道德的”这个概念来在文学界获得名声和金钱。这一任务将会比较和收缩两个文学恶作剧,灰猫头鹰和JT LeRoy,来批判文学的“兴”。批评家们谴责文学骗局,因为它是伪造的形式,读者被提供了错误的信息。


灰猫头鹰和JT LeRoy之间更严重的骗局



Literary hoax is a very old and common phenomenon in the world of literature. Using pseudonyms became very popular in 18th century. Women used male pseudonyms to get recognition and many male writers as well wrote under a pen-name to keep the author’s identity secret. However, many authors started using the concept of pseudonym unethically to obtain fame and money in the literary world. This assignment will compare and contract two literary hoaxes, Grey Owl and JT LeRoy, to critique literary hoaxing. The critics condemn literary hoax as it is the form of forgery and the readers are provided with wrong information.


More Serious Hoax between Grey Owl and JT LeRoy

Grey Owl was a renowned naturalist and conservationist of wilderness in Canada. However, his real name was Archie Belaney and he was born in England. His personal life was quite scandalous. As soon as Belaney breathed his last, his hidden identity started surfacing in public. The North Bay Nugget published the full revelation about Archie Belaney (Bethune, 2017). Archie was raised up by his single mother who was deserted by his father immediately after the marriage. In his spare time, he started developing his own world of fantasy where he grew acute compassion for the animals and the Red Indian natives. All of his writings were in concern of the wildlife and wilderness. In the case of Grey Owl, Archie, the real person, led a reprehensible and objectionable life. He abandoned wives and children. Nevertheless, he remained true to his writing. He lived as Grey Owl but there was only him behind his works.