


The controversy over the adverse effects of the power lines and the wind turbines have been raged for several years, but these pro researches have gained a lot of criticisms. Researches have found out that living in the vicinity of the power lines and wind turbines have been risky. As such no large risks have been identified, and the risks can be small but are not conclusively excluded. The argument that has been developed previously on the risk of cancer occurrence can be criticized on several grounds. The fact that humans are surrounded by different arrays of electromagnetic rays suffices to the very notion of dealing with diseases. People are anxious about the high voltage power lines as they are a visible and large structure that vague threaten the people.
While this is true, Wertheimer and Leeper had conducted a study in 1979 of establishing a correlation between high-voltage power lines and the probability of childhood leukemia. However, this research spurred other researches to reveal that no mechanism would justify the role of the high voltage power in the cancer development (Wertheimer and Leeper, 1979). In the year 2002, World Health Organization had published a 339-page report claiming to warn the people of the harmful effects of the electrical and magnetic fields. However, their findings were quite weak and inconclusive as they repeated resorted to the notions like little experimental and theoretical evidence establish the association of mutation with the extremely low frequency (Burght, 2017). A recent study by Elliott et al (2013) had examined 50,000 cases of cancer and the results evidently did not establish any correlation between the residential magnetic fields and/or close proximity to overhead power lines with adult cancer. This can, however, be sufficient to establish the fact that the power lines have little or no impact on the human health.
