澳洲 essay 代 写-Android绑定框架的讨论


本文主要讲的是Android绑定框架的讨论,在Linux操作系统中实现IPC(进程间通信)的技术有很多,比如共享内存、信号量、消息队列、管道、信号、套接字和文件。但是,修改后的Android Linux内核包含一个绑定器框架,用于在服务器进程和客户机之间启用远程过程调用(RPC)机制。客户端进程可以将服务器进程中远程方法的执行视为本地执行(Artenstein和Revivo, 2014)。这允许将数据传递给远程方法调用,并将结果返回给客户端调用线程。尽管RPC的底层机制非常复杂,但Android Binder框架简化了api的使用,以确保简单的整个进程间通信机制。本篇澳洲 essay 代 写文章由澳洲论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are various techniques for the achievement of IPC (Inter-Process Communication) in the Linux Operating System such as shared memory, semaphores, message queues, pipes, signals, sockets and files. However, the modified Linux kernel of Android involves a binder framework for enabling remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism among the server processes and the client. The client process can consider the execution of remote methods in the process of server as if there was a local execution (Artenstein and Revivo, 2014). This allows the passing of data to the remote method calls and there is returning of results to the client calling thread. Even though the underlying mechanism of RPC is highly complex, the Android Binder Framework simplifies the use of APIs for ensuring a simple entire mechanism of inter-process communication.
The aim of this research paper is restricted to the concepts and theories related to Android Binding Framework. First, this research will provide detailed information for describing IPC. Second, this report will discuss about binder and how it came into significance since the past. Further ahead, the report will provide specific rationale for choosing Android Binder Framework. Finally, the research will conceptualize various aspects and components related to this framework. Based on the overall research, key points of conclusion will be drafted.
In the general sense, any certain action beyond the virtual address space holds the requirement of interaction with several services of system. This highway of information on the app consists of major data. Any attacker tapping within the data will be successful in gaining intense power in comparison with the device (Xiao and Chen, 2016). In addition, the control of information flow towards the Binder has unique portability for stealing and modifying the data of user within the Android. Any attacker may not be acknowledging anything to implement a certain app. Irrespective of the internal complexity of applications, this will eventually call upon the restricted combination of system services.
