


公民身份和身份认同的概念常与其他概念混淆,并可互换使用。然而,这两个概念来自不同的事实背景。公民的概念意味着与政治团体的联系。公民身份在内部与相关的责任、权利、贡献和身份进一步确定。民族认同更关注的是共同的文化、历史信仰和生活方式。因此,欧洲的身份是由属于欧洲的所有公民共同享有的一套独特的价值观所确定的。一般来说,对公民来说,欧洲身份仍然服从于国籍。因此,国际欧洲身份认同的产生,在各国身份认同以地方身份需求的方式相互竞争的背景下,形成了一个非常有趣和复杂的过程。然而,在现代,欧洲公民身份是整个欧洲共同体一体化的一个重要方面。目前,欧洲公民的定义是官方公民和派生公民,其基础是公民的权利以及国家公民身份。然而,欧洲超民族是通过对欧洲文化身份的排他性观念的定位来确定的(Hansen et al., 2010)。


欧洲身份的概念可以与几种定义相关联,这取决于所讨论的特定话语类型。欧洲认同一般指个体对欧洲的认同感。欧洲身份也与欧盟联系在一起,作为欧洲标准、伦理、价值观、观点、信仰和原则的官方化身(Hautefeuille, 2011)。欧洲身份观念促进了与整个欧盟一体化进程相关的两个基本问题。首先,欧洲人身份的存在往往会超越人们的身份,更多地涉及到文化群体或民族身份等本土方面。第二个值得关注的问题是欧盟一体化对巩固欧洲身份认同的影响。


The citizenship and the identify concepts are often confused with other and used interchangeably. However, the concepts of both come from different factual backgrounds. The idea of citizenship suggests affiliation to a political community. Citizenship is further identified internally with associated duties, rights, contribution, and the identity. The identity for nation is more concerned with the shared culture, historical believes and way of life. Thus the European identity is defined by the distinct set of values which is commonly shared by all the citizens belonging to Europe. In general terms, the European identity remains subordinate to nationality for the citizens. The creation of the international European identity thus forms a highly intriguing and complex process in the view of various national identities contesting by the way of local identity demands. However, in the modern times, the European citizenship is an important aspect for the integration of the entire European community. Currently, the European citizenship is defined in the terms of official and derivative citizenship which is based on the rights of citizens in addition to the national citizenships. A European supra-nationality however is identified by orientation to an exclusivist idea of the European cultural identity (Hansen et al., 2010).


The idea of European identity could be associated with several definitions depending on the particular discourse type in which it is deliberated. The European Identify generally denotes the sense of individual identification with Europe. Also European identity is associated with the European Union as the official personification of European standards, ethics, values, opinions, believes and principles (Hautefeuille, 2011). The European identity idea promoted two essential matters pertinent to the integration procedure of the entire EU. Firstly, the presence of a European identity tends to surpass the identity of the people with reference to more indigenous aspects like culture group or the national identity. Second matter of concern is the effect of integration of EU for consolidation of the growth of a European identity.