


Dealing with procrastination is another prominent facet of a time management plan. Managers must determine the activities which cause employees to waste time and put off tasks. Time is a non-renewable resource for the organization as well as employees. Managers must understand the issues which cause procrastination among employees such as engagement in social media during office hours and involvement in comparatively unimportant tasks. Employees should also understand the effects of procrastination on their personal growth.
Prioritization of tasks is an inseparable facet of time management. Tasks are classified on the basis of urgency. If employees are entrusted with the responsibility of completing tasks without offering them an order of preference, then they are prone to be confused (Neupane et al., 2012). Managers should undertake the responsibility of prioritizing the tasks which would provide employees with a lucid impression of the urgency of tasks and thus they can meet the organization’s requirements alongside fulfilling their duties in an organization.
Managers must decide the course of action for employees in which organizational objectives and schedule of operations must be included. This process can be complemented with the inclusion of goal setting initiatives (Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013). The most common and effective model followed for time management is the SMART model which is an abbreviation of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.
Managers must be specific while setting goals. The purpose of a task, a predicted plan of action and the methodology to achieve the task are indicators for the precision in specifics of an objective (Ling et al., 2014).
Measurable targets facilitate convenience in monitoring the progress of employees in a particular task. Furthermore, the provision of measurable targets enables employees to modify their work schedules and refrain from procrastination.

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