


The schedule that is planned is to be followed 100% to make the best of the strategy used. The following steps are in the order of their importance:1. The first step to be followed is the reorganisation of the organisational purpose and the company’s plan of its own image in the next 1 year. This will include the activities required to hire new directors, and build the employee knowledge and skills. This particular activity must be achieved in one year from the start date.
2. The second step is to make financial assessment of the current status and then make arrangements for controlling the finance cost inputs and reduce it to the minimum without hitting the service quality. This schedule must be implemented throughout the year and the end result of the net profit must be assessed to check the effectiveness.
3. Conducting employee appraisal individually and addressing their concerns while they face here during their work in Global Adventures and adjust the individual expectations with organisational goals and make them compatible for better coordination and reduction in attrition levels. This implementation must be achieved in 6-8 months’ time with proper application and not leave any effort in accommodating employee concerns to the maximum.
4. Setting new performance standards as a new benchmars for all employees is a consistent process and must be carried out with all employees and also during the training sessions. Training all employees to learn new languages, learning new skills and acquiring more knowledge about the travel guidance and customer retention practices are essential activities that are to be implemented on a repetitive basis to make it an organisational culture. This must be achieved in a time of one year or less and must be applied every working day.
5. Managing employee morale with reward management and allowing them to take smaller decisions during the tours so that they are felt as belonging to the company and contributing their intelligence to the progress of the company. Employee engagement is also to be scheduled during each meeting which can take place every month to understand the progress, the concerns, the lack of resources, and rectifying mistakes and applying remedial actions. This is to be achieved in a time of 1 year from the date of start.
