


One of the primary and key conversations with the locals indicated that the Flamenco is one of the most popular dance and music form of Spain that has gained a global attention from variety of nations. The patrimonies of art has resulted in the formation of Flamenco in the region of Andalusia back in the 18th century. This form of art is associated with the culture of gypsy that is still evident in the region of Andalusia. It is found that there are three core parts of the Flamenco art form. These are the song refereed as cante, baile known as dance and the toque referred for the guitar playing. Flamenco received the attention and growth in Spain from the period of 1869 to 1910 which not only made this art form popular in the nation but also across the world. This period is known to be the Golden age of Flamenco.
In this period, the cafes cantantes were formed that were small location engaged in organizing a ticket based small performances consisting of Flamenco. The growing trend of the performance art was one of the reasons behind the popularity and public attention towards Flamenco.
I experienced the changes across the society due to the growing developments in Spain. One of my interactions with an old flamenco performed provided with the insight that the changes took place within the manner in which people gets involved into Flamenco. While the artists simply learned from encountering and viewing other artists perform in the earlier times, now the artists are required to undergo a professional training to become a Flamenco singer, dancer or a guitarist.
Furthermore, I realized that the performance of Flamenco can be experienced in three distinct manners. The initial is both dynamic and organ but it is highly difficult to find such a performance. The dynamic form of Flamenco is known as Juerga wherein spontaneous jam sessions takes place among other specialized musicians. The remaining two performance forms have been commercialized due to the advancements. Hence, the concert of Flamenco remains the option wherein several singers, dancers and guitarists are introduced and the performance is operated formally from my viewpoint.
