


The Selma to March of Montgomery, under the publicity by King, turned out to be a major point in the Movement of Civil Rights. The events of violence that occurred in the duration of the March resulted in prompting the President of that time for forcing passage through the enforcement of Voting Rights Act (1965). After this attempt, matters related to race started changing. Attitudes towards equality of race did not end up changing completely after the Act, but it was a definitely successful beginning.
Irrespective of the turning point of the act, there was still need for work. However, King died early enough before he could see the fruit of his efforts, work and dedication. When he was in Tennesse supporting a strike triggered by sanitation worker, he was shot tragically resulting to his death in his balcony by James Earl Ray (King, 2015). Martin Luther King provided an indication that four steps are the key requirements for any nonviolent campaign. First is in context with the collection of important information in order to determine whether injustices are alive. Further ahead, there is negotiation, followed by self-purification and ending at direct action. By giving response to the word of “untimely”, King perceived the belief that the Negro has waited too long to get natural rights. They will fail in getting the attention of white population if they did not stand out for themselves (King, 1992).
The key idea for the achievement of his “Dream” leads towards the establishment of consternation, with the confreres of King to be hackeyed over the point of cliché. Activists that were inclusive of radical students had been dismayed for hearing the dream of a black leader trying to reach the future in the farther limit. For the ones who do not have an acknowledgment of the oratory of King previously, there seem to be altogether differences in the reception. Most of the well- known, highly effective speeches of King is mostly forgotten today (King, 2010). In context with the key themes rehearsed during the earlier speeches, success was achieved by King in outlining this hope that one day the country will be rising up and living out the actual meaning about the creed.
The speech provided the crystalized view of the greatest gifts of King, with majority of the abilities of addressing diversifying constituencies in an individual speech. This involved key significance in order to perceive both purposes, reviving the souls of the ones participating in the March and for stirring the consciences beyond the greater public, while speaking about the experience of African Americans eloquently and even the wider spirit of Americans, simultaneously (Mason, 2013). The main intension was focused on providing a better meaning to old clichés and words that have strong roots with the wider notions for the Dream of America.
