


有声电影是分析混沌噪声的关键,从听觉和阅读交响乐的总谱贯穿一生。耳朵一般听几个声音和含糊不清的声音,它们的特点以表现个体的生命时间而著称。艺术有助于消除混乱是一条历史格言(Bordwell & Thompson, 2009)。在他们所对抗的特定的混乱元素之下,艺术是彼此不同的。有声电影所赋予的使命,对于弥补无声电影所造成的混乱是至关重要的。这包括接受它作为一种意义,意义和表达。有声电影需要对声音进行分解,因为声音是由不同的元素组成的,比如声音特写、亲密的声音和分离的个体。在整理这些孤立的细节声音时,通过声音蒙太奇特意设置了一个顺序(Livingston & Plantinga, 2009)。由于这种有目的的秩序,有声电影变成了一种新的艺术形式。观众的耳朵由导演引导,如在无声电影的场景中引导眼睛。在各种特写镜头中,有强调、分离和介绍各种元素的具体指导来源。




Sound Films are crucial for the analysis of chaotic noise from the hearing sense and reading the score of symphony throughout life. The ear listens to several voices and sounds babbled generally and their characters are distinguished for manifesting the individual life time. It is a historical maxim that art helps in eliminating chaos (Bordwell & Thompson, 2009). The arts are different from one another under specific chaotic element against which they fight. The vocation set by sound film is crucial for redeeming the chaos caused by noise shapelessly. This includes its acceptance as a meaning, significance and expression. The sound film demands resolution of noise as different elements such as acoustic vocal close-ups, intimate voices and segregated individuals. On collating these isolated detail sounds, an order is set purposely through sound montage (Livingston & Plantinga, 2009). As a result of this purposeful order, the sound film turns out to be a new form of art. Ears of the audience are led by the director, such as leading the eyes in the setting of silent film. There are sources of specific guidance across various close-ups emphasizing, separating and introducing various elements.


The aim of this essay is to explore “cinema as ear”, specifically elaborating the elements of space and acoustics. Several examples will be used to relate the discussion, and based on this, concluding points will be drafted. This will help in a better understanding about the different film theories and concept adding up crucial academic credibility.