


One semi structured in-depth interview was utilized in this research for gathering information. This type of interview has helped in ploughing a path between two essential interview methods inclusive of structured and unstructured. With interview on semi-structure questionnaire, it becomes possible for the one interviewing and the interviewee to become partners of equal manner in the interview process. The interviewer, basically, acknowledges the areas they wish to cover with the client but at the same time let the interviewee have as many options for taking a distinct path and exploring the distinct feelings.
Convenience sampling has been utilized in this research paper. This is a particular kind of sampling method involving non-probability which depends on the collection of data from the members in the population group who are available conveniently to take part within the study (Etikan et al., 2016). The questions on Facebook can be depicted as a common example for this type of sampling. This type of sampling furthermore is one where the initial primary sources of data available online are utilized for researching disregards any extra requirements. To be brief, it can be said that this method of sampling is such that it involves getting the participants (Etikan et al., 2016). In this sampling type, no criteria for inclusion can be depicted before subject selection. All these subjects then get invitation for participation. This method within business studies is applicable so as to have the ability of gaining the initial primary information with regard to particular issues such as particular brands image perception or collection of suggestions from customers with regard to a new product design (Etikan et al., 2016). Here focus will be on motivational tools and aids which maximally help in motivating employees.
There are many advantages which can be gained through this procedure with regard to this research paper (Etikan et al., 2016). The advantages are inclusive of sampling simplicity as well as research ease, used for pilot studies and for generating hypothesis. Other benefits include collection of data has the ability of being facilitated in a shorter time period and it is cheap when it comes to implementation in comparison to other methods (Etikan et al., 2016).
