

本文主要写的是博物馆中的展品,博物馆中大约有45000件物品,包括艺术和古董,建筑图纸,书籍和Soane的素描本(Smith, 2014)。1834年,约翰·索恩爵士在他们的卧室里建了一间模型房(见图1)。他的妻子死于1815年。房间里有不同的绘画、展示结构、小雕像和展品。所有的物品都整齐地摆放在房间的不同部分。墙壁装饰得非常漂亮,墙壁的颜色与保存在那里的物品相匹配。房间的窗户让阳光射进来,给放在那里的物体一种闪闪发光的效果。本篇澳洲艺术与设计论文代写文章由澳洲论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are approximately 45000 objects in the museum which include arts and antiquities, architectural drawings, books and Soane’s sketchbooks (Smith, 2014). Sir John Soane built a model room in their bedroom in the year 1834 (See Exhibit 1). It is in this room where Sir Soane and his wife lived before. His wife died in the year 1815. The room consisted of different paintings, demo structures, small statues and show pieces. All the objects are very neatly organized in different parts of the room. The walls are very beautifully decorated and the color of the walls match with the objects kept over there. The windows of the room let the sunlight come inside and give a shining and glowing effect to the objects kept there.
There are mirrors inside the room which give reflections effect to the objects and add to the scenic beauty of the model room. Looking at centre of the room there are models of various archaeological sites like Paestum and Pompeii (“Sir John Soane’s private apartments: obsessive, eccentric brilliance”, 2015). These models look exact replica of the original ones and have a glass covering around them to prevent them from getting affected from dust (See Exhibit 2). The bathroom of this model room has a tub turned into a Canopic jar with a lid on top of it. Sir John used to keep his important belongings like false teeth, documents etc. inside the jar.
Other important collections include a series of 4 paintings on elections. Soane bought the four paintings in the 1823 and kept the paintings in his museum. The 1st painting (See Exhibit 3) of the election series is titled “The Entertainment” wherein the people are seen eating, drinking and merry making (“An Election: The Election Entertainment”, n.d.). The 2nd painting has the title “Canvassing for votes” (See Exhibit 4). The height and width of the painting are 102.3 cm and 131.4 cm respectively (“An Election: Canvassing for Votes”, n.d.). The painting is beautifully sketched and coloured which show people asking for votes from the common public. The painting looks very natural and original and has the perfect setting of an election taking place. The 3rd painting is titled “The polling” which shows the actual polling that is taking place (See Exhibit 5). The last of the paintings has the name “Chairing the Member” (See Exhibit 6). All the 4 paintings of the election series demonstrate the various stages of elections very meticulously. The paintings have a sense of awestruck and attract the attention of the viewers.
