assignment 代写-餐饮业可持续发展的建议


本文主要讲的是餐饮业可持续发展的建议,“很多时候,人们认为他们必须给自己带来不便才能变得更环保,但事实并非如此”(Ma, 2013, para。这是华盛顿大学土木与环境工程副教授安妮·古德查尔德的话。当一个人想到可持续性,规划排放控制等等,他就会自动联想到大量的工作和规划,这是不可能从个人的角度出发的。然而,现在人们认识到,一个人在这方面也可以发挥同样重要的作用。一个人不是被动的,实际上可以主动寻找那些供应链短的餐馆,在当地寻找货源,并允许更好的配送优化和鼓励他们。本篇assignment 代写文章由澳洲论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

“A lot of times people think they have to inconvenience themselves to be greener, and that actually isn’t the case here” (Ma, 2013, para. 5). These were the words of Anne Goodchild, UW associate professor of civil and environmental engineering. When one thinks sustainability, planning for emission control and more, one automatically associates it with high amount of work and planning that is not possible from the individual end. However, it is now identified that an individual has as much a role to play here. An individual instead of being passive can actually actively seek restaurants that have short supply chains, source locally and allow for better delivery optimization and encourage them.
The recommendations presented in this section will be based on the industrial reports and literature research critical discussions. Representations are made for the restaurant industry on two main points of sustainability initiatives. The first point of recommendation will be with respect to how the restaurant chains will be able to reduce their supply chains. Short food supply chains are advocated as a policy for those businesses that want to be sustainable (Refer Appendix A). Most restaurant businesses can choose to fall under the second category of SFSCs and to a certain extent can also fall under the spatially extended SFSCs.
The proximate SFSCs are one where restaurant would be an intermediary between the producer and the consumer, but would still possess the capability to make choices for sourcing its products more locally, optimally and sustainably. It is recommended that restaurants select this option of proximate SFSCs in order to lower costs and their risks and increase collaboration across all stakeholders as well. With the shortening of the supply chain, the restaurant business will be able to control and reduce inventory obsolescence. Some of the ways to do this presented in Appendix A is to include box schemes, conduct regular farmer markets under restaurant sponsorship or marketing and allot incentives and cooperative schemes for local producers and distributors.
