

本文主要講的是印度經濟增長的分析,此外,由於主要由高食品價格驅動的持續高通貨膨脹,經濟的投資和儲蓄受到了不利影響。據世界銀行(World Bank)估計,2014年中國國內儲蓄總額佔GDP的比例已降至29.01%,而2011年至2012年為32%。結果,固定資本形成總額也下降到30%(佔GDP的比例),從而導致印度經濟增長放緩。然而,值得注意的是,印度是世界上增長第二快的經濟體,僅次於中國,現在已經取代中國成為增長最快的經濟體。本篇assignment代寫文章由澳洲論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Moreover, due to persistently high inflation, driven mainly by high food prices, investments and saving of the economy has been adversely impacted. According to the estimates of World Bank, the gross domestic savings rate has fallen to 29.01 as a percent of GDP in 2014 compared to 32 percent in 2011-12. As a result, the gross fixed capital formation also fell to 30 percent (as a percent of GDP), thus contributing to the lower growth of the Indian economy. However, it is important to note that India, which was the second fastest growing economy in the world after China has now replaced China as the fastest growing economy.
The growth in China has slowed down because of the slackening global demand which has led to falling exports for China. The stagnation in European countries has also caused this temporary setback for China. Also, manufacturing has shown sluggish growth in the economy in order to create consumption demand within the economy. It can also be said that this slowing growth has led China on the path of restructuring of its economy.It is important to note that Indian economy is primarily driven by domestic consumption unlike the economies of Japan, Singapore, China and other Asian Tigers, all of whom have followed the export-oriented growth model to drive the economy. Thus, it can be said that the fundamentals of Indian economy are very strong and this will ensure a stable growth rate of around 8 percent in the years to come.
Lately, India’s economy has undergone a huge internal and external restructuring. By the estimates of International Monetary Fund and World Bank, the economy of India will grow at with a GDP of close to 30 trillion USD in 2030 from the current size of 1.8 trillion USD. The export of goods and services has increased manifold in India in the last two decades. Trade of goods and services is considered as an engine of growth for the Indian economy. India is becoming the rising power and the global centre for international trade. The prospects of Indian economy remain bright as the country is expanding in terms of infrastructural growth as well as in terms of its participation in the world economy.